4 thoughts on “Where Could Lucan D’Lere Server Merge to?

  1. Personally, I’d vote yes. I don’t have the option to vote because I don’t have forum access. I lack access because I’m not paying for an EQ2 sub in large part because LDL’s population is so dead that there’s nothing for me to do that I can’t do for free on the EQ2EX side. For that matter, I don’t think I ever saw any RP on LDL that wasn’t part of an event that someone scheduled in advance using out of game forums; scheduled RP might actually benefit from a merge in that any interested residents of Crushbone could join in.

  2. This just in from Smokejumper:

    It’s official. We’ll be doing the merge that Rothgar describes. LDL will merge with Crushbone. Sometime in early February, preferably. (It’ll take a bit to get everything set up for it.)

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