If you’ve run Shard of Love a few times to get the Valorous Wings, and figured that’s all there was to the story, you may be surprised to know that there is a followup quest line A Goddess Risen. The quest series takes you to different instances, and culminates in a revitalized version of the Shard of Love. This quest series runs through February 6th @ 11:59pm PST. If you are into unique Beastlord warder appearances, the emerald cave bats in the Faceless Oracle’s Demesne instance, available only during this event, might interest you. Image courtesy EQ2 ZAM
erollisi day
Here are your February 15, 2011 Update Notes from the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL An issue that stops ambient characters in city zones from wandering has been fixed. ‘Follow’ should once again be an option on group member’s right-click menu. LIVE EVENTS Sister Thog Macgilly will now update the quest “Premonitions of Disaster” even while Erollisi Day is being celebrated. Creatures within the Shard of Love now have a significantly higher chance of dropping love loot while Erollisi Day is being celebrated.
After yesterday’s update activated the Erollisi Day event, some players were reporting crashing issues in Halas. Others reported issues in Antonica as players were able to spawn unlimited gazebos. An interim fix for the Halas issue was implemented, with today’s update providing a more permanent solution. Also, last year’s quests are now repeatable. All of the issues with Erollisi Day were spelled out in this thread.
From EverQuest2.com: Erollisi Day events are now live in EverQuest II! Log in to find new quests, crafts, house items and more! Love letters will be sent, gifts of chocolate and flowers will be exchanged, and romance will be in the air. Erollisi Day may be a holiday that celebrates love and romance, but it is also a chance to celebrate the fellowship we share with all of those around us. It’s also a good time to stop and reflect on the people who make your life better. Make plans to tell them how much you appreciate their presence...
We did our afternoon check of EverQuest2.com and were surprised to see an announcement about a webcast scheduled for tonight. Here’s the scoop: Are you in the mood to celebrate St. Valentine’s Day in a non-traditional way? The SOE Community Team knows just how you feel! Join the Community Team along with some members of SOE Development Teams as we chat about the upcoming in-game Valentine’s Day-themed activities. Learn more about what’s going on in-game for our Valentine’s Day celebrations straight from the folks that work on the games you love to play. Also on the agenda for this...
From Kaitheel on the EQ2 Forums: Barring any unforeseen issues arising, the current plan is: Erollisi Day will be activated on all servers (international and & test included) Wednesday Feb 9th. Erollisi Day will be deactivated at the end of day on Sunday Feb 20th for most servers. For servers that are affected by merges during the event’s time period, we will extend Erollisi Day to the end of day on Monday Feb 21st. Also, if you have a bunch of tokens from other seasonal events taking up valuable bag space: There is going to be an NPC that...
Erollisi Day festivities started at midnight, February 4th (after a brief hotfix) and will run until the expansion (February 16th). Erollisi Day is the celebration of the goddess of love and all things related to the emotion that sets hearts to galloping! With the return of Erollisi Day, many of your favourite activities from previous years’ celebrations are making comebacks with new rewards! Erollisi Day @ EQ2Players Erollisi Day 2010 Event @ EQ2 ZAM Erollisi Day Crafting @ EQTraders
When it comes to EQ2 Crafting Previews and Guides, nobody does it better than Niami Denmother at EQ2Traders. Once you’ve finished ogling the new Apple tablet, check out her Erollisi Day 2010 crafting preview!!
Erollisi Day is now on Test and according to a forum post by Kaitheel, we should expect this event to be on Live servers from February 4th until the (February 16th). Among other things we can expect in this event are another variation on Nektropos Castle related to this event, new quests in Antonica and Thundering Steppes, and more tradeskill and house item goodness.