Hiding in every Game Update, there are changes that go through that are either undocumented, or otherwise slip under the radar. Some of them appear as a single line item in the Update Notes, but have significant ramifications. Some don’t appear at all. Today, we shed some light on these changes.
Game Update 58 is looking to be a massive update, not so much in content, but in changes large and small to the game, and its User Interface. Game Update 58 includes: A level 90 dungeon – Zraxth’s Unseen Arcanum New bosses in the Vasty Deep dungeons with new loot Spell Animation and Sound Effect tweaks Click-to-Cure Mounts and Currency tabs Numerous UI tweaks Outdoor Balconies have been added to 6+ room houses, making them feel a part of the city they belong to. House item limits have been increased, and Moving Crates now count independently of house item...