3 thoughts on “Update Notes: Tuesday August 23, 2016 — Game Update 101

  1. So the public quests are an event, not a permanent feature?
    Will there be unique house items on a vendor like with the wizard spire/dragon portal back in the Great Divide?

    And WHOOT! Able to remove myself from people’s houseing access list! I have a list of 100’s of houses, but for some reason people add me to theirs, then I get paranoid that someone else on their list will do something to their house and they’ll blame me. >.> (Also… like I really need more names to sift through on my houseing portal people!)
    Only took 12 years or so! =P

  2. I took “limited time public quests” to mean the quests are on a completion timer – i.e. they have to be completed within, say, fifteen minutes. The way the existing ones work, in other words. It would be very odd for them to be temporary, unless, I guess, there’s going to be a rotating series of them, like calendar-based events?

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