From the EQ2 Forums: That time is almost here! The beta test for Terrors of Thalumbra starts on Tuesday, October 20, 2015. This will be ready for players on Tuesday in the early afternoon. Everyone that pre-orders Terrors of Thalumbra gets immediate access to the beta server once it goes live. Playing Terrors of Thalumbra on the Beta server also has perks for your live server accounts! There is more information coming soon about the rewards players will be able to earn by testing expansion content on beta. Here is some information to help you get started in Beta:
Day: October 16, 2015
From Emily “Domino” Taylor on the EQ2 Forums: The City of Maldura is an ancient dwarven outpost that predates even Kaladim. Over the centuries it has grown into an imposing citadel whose fortifications have repelled many assaults from the outside. However, in more recent years a threat that is neither living nor undead has begun to emerge in the deep sublevels. Relentless, furious, and almost unstoppable, the immolated have no mercy and cannot be controlled by any known type of magic. The worried residents of Maldura have been forced to seal off entire areas of the city to contain...
From Dexella on the EQ2 Forums: How’s everyone enjoying the FALL FRENZY? We’ve got another bonus for All Access members this weekend! From 12:00PM (Noon) PDT on Friday, October 16 through 12:00PM (Noon) PDT on Sunday, October 18, All Access Members can get DOUBLE STATUS. The bonus will be available on all servers (including TLEs). Hop into game and enjoy the bonus! Remember, Fall Frenzy is leading up to Terrors of Thalumbra. Have you pre-ordered your copy yet? NOTE: This is, in effect, Double Guild XP.
From Emily “Domino” Taylor on the EQ2 Forums: In the Terrors of Thalumbra expansion, crafters who have reached tradeskill level 100 will receive a letter from Captain Ethan of the Far Seas Trading Company. You’ve assisted him in the past, and he’d like your assistance once again as the FSTC investigates reports of strange elemental attacks that have been occurring all around Norrath. Where did these elementals come from, and why do they appear to have mechanical parts inside them, made of a type of ore you’ve never seen? Your investigation will bring you in contact with old friends and new,...