58 thoughts on “Transcript: EQ2Insider Developer Q&A – July 9, 2014 ~ 2:00pm

  1. It may be just me, but I was taken aback by the designers’ attitudes in answering questions. They seemed very condescending to some people asking certain questions. They just didn’t want to be there.

    Q: Will there be…?
    A: No

    Q: Will there be…?
    A: No *smirking*

    Q: Will there be…?
    A: “That question was already asked 11 minutes ago, move on.” – Kyle

    The guys looked tired, and/or stoned.

    1. When you cut a development team from 40 to 25 and take all the all star coders and move them to Landmark to get the alpha/beta out the door, yeah, it really cuts back what the team can do. If the team got back up to 35 or so, we would see more of these “can we have x?” questions get a positive answer.

      1. Feldon is right to some extent. Live game teams are much smaller than game teans that are still in pre-launch development.

        Everyone’s feedback is important to us and we want to be more open about what it’s like on our side. Lots of long hours and hard work with the team and resources we have currently, so sure, sometimes they are going to look tired. 🙂

    2. Thank you, I’m glad I wasn’t the only one thinking this. I come from a customer service background, and would never respond to a customer’s question in such a manner. Shame really…

    3. I’ll have a chat with them regarding the “condescending” tone/facial expressions. They don’t mean to come off that way. Kyle and Michael care A TON about EQ2 and play a lot in their off time. None of them are really camera trained other than Holly, slightly.

      I’ll work with them on this, but they need more encouragement from the player base to get on camera. It’s rough when they are followed up by comments that are not very constructive. 🙁

      1. I didn’t mean to be destructive in my comments. I probably should’ve put that out there in a better manner. I apologize. I spoke out of emotion after the Q&A was over as I got a negative vibe was all. I will re-word my toughts better in the future.

        1. Oh for sure! I understand. Most people are just super passionate and emotional when they write things, so I just read between the lines and figure out what their main complaint, argument, suggestion, etc is.

          I’ll see what we can do to get the team more camera training. 🙂

          1. I don’t think its camera training that was the issue here, it was the manner in which the answers were given.

            It’s the usual conundrum that you get some technically gifted people that should be kept as far away from public/customer facing roles as possible as they don’t interact well (or come across as caring). This normally is because they assume the questioner should have the same base level of knowledge as they currently have.

            Lets be clear, it is fine for the devs to say No. However it needs to be “No, because…” rather than just plain no (unless the thing being asked for is completely outlandish).

            Holly was clearly frustrated at the start with the way the initial responses were being given and practically had to force Michael to explain why he was saying no. It settled down after that but the tone for the Q&A session was then set as being fairly negative from the outset.

            The previous Q&A session with Kyle and Akil contained probably as many “No” answers but didn’t come across as anywhere near as pessimistic as the answers were (mostly) given with suitable reasons/qualifications, enthusiasm, grace and good humour. That is what you were missing this time, not camera-training.

          2. One of the things that I took away from this episode that at least the devs were honest and didn’t try to palm us off with a bunch of ‘yeah maybe we can look at that’.

            Its also apparent that EQ2 is a behemoth of a game in terms of code, and quite probably archaic and maybe even anarchic somewhat under the bonnet, when you consider that the game is close to 12/13 years old if you count the development time prior to release, tech has evolved greatly during that time, a lot of programmers have come and gone, and the inner workings of the game quite probably simply haven’t been able to keep up. So adding / changing things that we might all consider a tiny update, probably take much more effort.

            I do think that perhaps a mixture of devs like Akil, Kyle, Xelgad should be on-hand for answering tech questions, but maybe on the sofa to bounce to, as its clear they must feel like fish out of water being on camera.

            I couldn’t do it, and certainly wouldn’t want to do it, and I can imagine its the same for some of them. I hate to say it but even Holly looks uncomfortable with it all sometimes and like she would rather be anywhere else in the world than there.

            The vibe is noticeably awkward sometimes and a wee bit on the negative side – which is quite the stark contrast from the Landmark livestreams and its sad to see, imho EQ2 is a title SOE should be championing and singing from the rooftops about.

            Personally I think you should have Kaitheel facing camera with Maggie, or someone like him. Kaitheel always comes across as vibrant, positive and upbeat, slightly on the nervy side maybe, but entirely understandable. At the end of the day the show is undeniably a marketing tool, so it needs front of house people. Drag in Omeed for a show even though he probably knows zero about EQ2 lol, he might help warm things up a little bit.

            Also another little tip is maybe run through the Q & A’s in advance of the show with the devs and weed out a chunk of the ones with a flat-out ‘No’ as an answer, so the focus is predominantly on answers that something can be done about, or something is being done about or will be done about. That’s not to say don’t give honest answers, and don’t throw in some answers that are a flat-out “no can do”, but the vast majority of answers did seem to be a flat-out no, and almost derisory at times and I don’t think it meant to come across that way.

            Doing this might lead to a more positive upbeat vibe about the show. Just my 2 coppers worth, either way I’m really pleased there is a show for EQ2 and for Maggies efforts in making that happen, as well as the ‘fish out of water’ devs for stepping up to the plate and getting in front of camera, the show just needs an injection of some upbeat front of house positivity. Nothing that can’t be fixed up I’m sure.

  2. Frankly, it was a horrible set of questions overall, and the answers were appropriate. Almost everything boiled down to two questions:

    “Can we (read: I) get [feature request] pushed to the top of your obviously overloaded priority list?” The answer to this should always be no, unless it happens to already be in that position, and:

    “Is [feature request] somewhere on your obviously overloaded priority list?” The answer to this is sometimes yes, but not when your favorite feature request is dumb. The smirk is typically deserved.

    The worst were the ones tagged with “I’d even pay SC for this,” which is just a lame attempt to assign undeserved importance to your favorite feature request. It’s also fairly insulting, as it insinuates that they’re only interested in providing content that will rake in the big bucks.

    The only real “Q&A” question that I remember came from Errrrrrorrrr, who asked how they would evaluate the current tanking/healing dynamic. Virtually everything else was just feature-begging.

    That said, it can be handy to have a “no” on the record for some of these things, like we have for server merges. (Some good that’s done.)


      1. Alas, I have no questions, as I already know it all! 😀

        Just to be clear, your efforts are not being criticized here. We appreciate the opportunity, even if we squander it.


        1. mmhmm… just criticizing everyone who was curious enough to ask a question… And making them look bad by saying they want it pushed to the top of any lists….. no one said anything like that. Maybe it’s your own negativity tainting your point of view? ^_^

    1. 1) Actually, it was ‘ask us -almost- anything Q&A’ from the get-go

      2) People have different playstyles

      3) People might’ve been either curious or begging. Typical generalization here

      4) Since when did we ‘have to’ speculate/predict what their future plans are, before preparing our questions?

  3. Some things I think should be changed:

    1) when you open a bank window it should open your bags, not your character window.

    2) the GH Harvest depot should default to common, not all.

    3) the GH house portal should have a way to remove other peoples homes (I have several that made me friends/trustee that haven’t played in over a year) from the list. Or at least have a separate tab for homes that are not yours.

    4) the GH harvester/gatherer amenities should be consolidated into one.

    1. Edoo, the only problem with #4 is that the guild doesn’t always run out of the same levels of materials at the same time. The gatherer / harvester bots in my guild are usually out getting different tiers of metals, wood, etc., because a guy was using the tier 7 metals to get weaponsmithing up, another guy was using tier 5 foods and a woman was doing tier 3 tailoring. We appreciate being able to get different levels from each bot.

    2. I wouldn’t be opposed to haveong a 4th harvester that goes after every thing. That would free up 2 amenity slots or give 4 harvesters. ^_~ But I have 10 upgraded harvesting ponies and 20 harvesting goblins, so I have pleeeenty harvests. I just wish Depos had seperate tabs with seperate permissions so I could leave the commons open for any one who wants to use my GH. But I set up a house so any one can use stuff in the depos (but not take stuff out, since you know some jerk would take every thing. >.<) and I dump off a full inventory of commons when ever. xD

  4. A lot of the questions were reworded so in fact answered somewhat incorrectly.

    Like I asked if all gear stats can be shared with the summoner pets not just what SOE wants to be shared with pets(including dumbfire pets). I already know they fixed some of the gear stats to share why does not all of it?

    Then I asked if AA lines were going to be basically fixed for summoners, like the useless healer pet removed, and other stuff not used or stuff broken. This wasnt even answered.

    Then I asked if an interface can be put in to show what stats on gear are actually sharing with summoner pets(dumbfire and main pet), because right now its like you have to be a rocket scientist to know what does or dont. If everything on the gear shared then there would be no guessing right and no interface to this effect needed.

    This is what what asked
    Q: Would you ever consider changing Conjuror/Summoner pets so that they share stats with gear and AA lines?
    Q: Are you looking into ways to make it easier to tell what stats our pets are sharing and what stats they are not sharing with our characters?

    1. Just a thought, but if you don’t want your questions re-worded, perhaps avoid using things like these in your questions:

      not just what SOE wants


      its like you have to be a rocket scientist

      When you use things like that in your questions, they’re going to be reworded. When they’re reworded, you run the risk of their original meaning getting lost. 😥

      1. Exactly, Dethdlr! (Thanks! 🙂 )

        Also, Tabri worded her/his questions differently than this last time, so it was a little ambiguous and I tried to translate it into a one sentence/constructively worded questions the best I could.

      2. No this is not how I asked it on the forum I rewrote it here to explain it better, I wish I would have but then it probably would have been skpped due to length. On the forum I made it short because like they said dont want entire paragraphs it was supposed to just be short questions.

        This was how I wrote it.
        . Fix conjurer/summoner pet sharing stats with gear and also AA lines? Or at least make it easier for us to tell what the heck is sharing and with what pets.

        Keyword “fix” My fault though for not being specific I should have said keyword “on”all gear and separated AA to maybe another question but I was trying to make it really short. No biggie I will just reword it on some other Q&A properly so its easier to interpret. LOL

      3. Deth

        What SOE wants- Is there someone else I dont know about that wants to make random gear stats share with pets instead of all gear stats share like they should in EQII? What do you suggest be written? Please reword it improperly when you rewrite it.

        Fix useless broken- Are there better words for you to write besides broken(which means not working properly), or useless(like a hyrdromancer pet along with other things), and fixed isnt what I should use to describe what summoners want? You make no sense

        Analogy- you have to be a rocket scientist(which of course is an exaggeration) this clearly explains how one has to figure out stats on a summoner in this game. I personally think that will get across as, way to complicated. Please what would you suggest Deth that would be so much better?

        1. I once read that tact was the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they anticipate the trip. It’s all in the wording.

          Are there better words to use than “fix, useless, and broken”? Yes. Even if things are broken, useless or need fixed, using those words in your question is just going to put the person being asked on the defensive. The same question/idea can be presented in many different ways with drastically different results.

          Suggested ways to reword the questions:

          Today, some gear stats are shared with summoner pets. Are there any plans to expand this to all gear stats?

          Are there any plans to do a re-look at the summoner AA lines? Some of the choices like the hydromancer pet don’t appear to do what their descriptions say they should.

          Could something be done to make it easier to see which stats on gear are being shared with summoner pets (dumbfire and main pet)?

          You’re still asking the same thing but you’re not calling their baby ugly while you’re doing it. 😀

  5. With fear of sounding like a Fanboi, I really liked this session. Xelgad answered honestly and I appreciate that.

    I like the fact someone asked about the broker list prices. This has frustrated me since ethereals came out.

    Keep doing these!

  6. Sarcasm off- sorry Feldon dont get angry with me I get snarky sometimes. 🙂

    This Q&A was great I leaned two things from it.
    1. Dont ask fun questions I can do that in the forum- sorry Luperza I think Im the one that started that Mark of Awakening thing. lol
    2. They are strapped for work at the moment.

    I can assume that they WILL NOT make all gear stats work with summoner pets though out of this Q&A because they said this “we like how it is balanced at the moment”. So I will probably not ever ask this again. It would take too much work to allow us to have every single thing share, which would require them to balance sorcerers even more so, this is just my assumption.

    That leaves the fact also that they do not need to make any kind of interface for summoners to see pet stats, we can already do that with possess minion anyway.

    What needs to be done in this case is just put something the gear itself whether things share or not, a tag for example. This might be the easiest solution. I might just put this in the next Q&A as a suggestion or forum then.

    Shares with summoner pet only
    Shares with summoner pet and dumbfire pets only
    Shares with all pets
    Shares with dumbfire pets only

  7. Maybe the community should learn to write open ended journalistic probing questions. Lupeza might screen ones that are too good, but wow at the crappy questions. It’s like a really bad Mad Libs; I think Kong captured the brunt of it. Reading the quality of questions actually makes me dread some panels at SOE live.

    I try to self moderate questions a little, and dumb ones make it out on occasion. Anyone who doesn’t understand the smirks is either really dumb or really ignorant (or new). If you’re really want to know ask of the answers to what features you can or can’t have in the near future maybe dig Holly to be less ambiguous about the roadmap. If you ask nice she may allow sometime like Lapeza to maintain a near and medium term roadmap and bug priority list.

    How about a good article on how to ask good interview questions, Feldon? It could improve the panel experience at FF. Maybe do it a week or two before Vegas. It could even cover basic panel etiquette for folks that need it (like the incredibly rude and aggro lady who asks the same battery of questions from atop her mobility cart every year in multiple panels).

  8. Almost forgot: thanks for the transcript Feldon. I know they take a lot of work.

    And before someone who deals in absolutes goes into a rant, I didn’t say all questions were horribly posed, just the vast majority.

    Fewer high quality questions = more time for better answers.

    1. It’s… a… game.
      People were invited to ask any question they like.
      If people wanted to know what color Holly’s socks were, they could have asked that.
      XD Good grief. XD What is with the “OMG, you people are so stupid” attitude some people have? XD Sounds like a personal problem.
      I had my own smirk and facepalm moment when they read a “Have you thought of” question… and answer was “Yah, we’ve thought about it.. next question.” /rolls eyes

      1. I’ll just reiterate that these were the Lead Designer and Lead Mechanics guys. They do dungeons. They do raids. They do spells, AAs, Prestige lines. I guess if all the questions are going to be about crafting and furniture, then Kyle and Mike could go have a coffee and we could get in the devs that do that stuff.

        1. The reason they received questions including fun ones like I put regarding the Mark of Awakening (which started everyone agreeing with me) is because I did not see nor did anyone else see anywhere in the forum thread where they wanted specific questions asked.

          Actually this is what they said in the forum to get people to ask questions.

          We’re going to be answering your questions LIVE! Ask about anything!

          Maybe next time they should specify what type of questions to ask if they do not want to answer questions regarding crafting, fun stuff like appearance items etc

          1. Aye. /..\ I thought with all the time they had to compile the questions, they’d at least cherry pick a bunch they could say yes to, for PR/player morale purposes.

  9. Is it possible to penalize sellers on the broker if they don’t place the sales crates and not paying the house rent? Buyers are forced to pay commission fees because people don’t pay rent/place crates. If you want to receive full price allow people to come to your home.

    1. Mail em? =P I’ve done that a few times, and they paid the rent when I logged in the next day, or if they were online they’ve gone and opened the house when they were done with what they were doing.
      Let em know that if you buy 4 of the Treasure Hoard (looks like an exquisite chest and reduces coin rent by 25%) items from the loyalty merchant/shop tab they can completely eliminate rent on the old houses. ^_^ (I opened up one of my Maj’Dul houses permanently the other day, so tried tested and true! ^_^)

  10. You know in all honesty I think the team did a great job, and especially Luperza who is not only handling all that she does in the office but also on the forums and then on top of all that takes the time to come to the fan sites and answer almost every person individually!!!! Wow, I’m impressed.

    as for the guys and getting them in front of the camera that is easy, as simple as three words….

    I have pizza 🙂

    I sincerely appreciate the effort that has been given recently to be more open with the players and have that open book policy to allow us to see the changes and let us know what is coming etc.. It still needs improvement but it’s getting better so thank you team.

    Hats off to you,
    Butcherblock Server

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