21 thoughts on “EQ2’s Avatar Spawn System Detailed

  1. I’ve never been in a guild that kills the avatars, though recently we did have a go at the arena.

    How do these bosses work in term of loot ? Have their loot tables been continually improved over the years?

    What kind of items do they drop?

  2. Don’t really like the new system compared to the old. Feels like there’s a lot less avatars a week than there was ever before and so far none on Splitpaw have spawned during the 7-11 GMT window that would actually make them contested if this was the entire point of the change.

  3. Bristlebane drops best in slot mounts and cloaks (depending on how good/bad your mythical from PoW is). The normal ones drop best in slot legs (assuming you don’t use a Dreadcutter x4 necklace).

    Some of the other normal arena loot is ok but worse than HM still. About where it should be for some of the avatars and somewhat overly rewarding for Tunare/Tallon/Rodcet.

  4. Spawn times for Crushbone seem really off. Euro guilds will be completely left out now with 4pm-4am pst. It would have made more sense to move it to 9am – 9pm pst since our euro guild raids 7am-1pm pst, eastern guilds raid 5pm-9pm pst and west coast guild raids 7pm-10pm pst. It should have been in the opposite direction to include the most guilds.

  5. The spawn windows are complete b.s. because on Permafrost, at least the last twelve avatars killed were spawned after 2-3am EST and even after the updated window, we had two spawn at 2am on 8/9. Avatar call list FTW, but we do waste a ton of time camping multiple zones from 6PM-12am EST everyday for no reason until 6 avatars die. Don’t even mention Bristlebane … my guild doesn’t seem to have any luck spawning the guy after the first arena avatar kill.

  6. The changes to the avatar system are a joke in my opinion. It just goes to show that if enough people complain about something it will be changed for their appeasement. Don’t get me wrong I absolutely hated….hated being on a call list to wake up or log in at random times to kill an avatar just to get a scout shield or the same old loot almost every kill. But, the folks willing to put in that time and effort deserve the rewards from what is supposed to be a “Contested” kill.
    Soon everything will be instanced and every good little boy and girl who weeally weeally wants the best loot but weeally weeally doesn’t want to put in the extra time and effort to get it… will get it.

    Don’t try to fix something if it isn’t broken!

    1. Less avatars = less fun for everybody. This new system is garbage. whatever they hoped to accomplish with this, its not working.

      They hoped to reduce the flow of avatar loot into the game. The frequency of spawns and ease of the encounters meant a lot of loot was coming into the game.

      1. But why reduce the flow of loot? The helms and ears were still very rare. If the difficulty of the encounters was an issue they should have adjusted that. Again I just think this system is less fun for all guilds who are interested in killing contested avatars. Getting loot is fun, why not let people have it? More avatars just mean more kills and gear to go around between all the guilds. Also this new system has made it so random that you have to watch all 9 avatars, 6 of which have multiple spawn points, all week long. it has made finding the avatars more competitive and therefore less accessible to smaller guilds. So again, I just don’t see what this accomplishes other then making the game less fun for a lot of players.

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