22 thoughts on “Game Update 67: Darkness Dawns — July 30th

  1. Wasn’t the loyalty reward program supposed to come in GU 65.5 (Wurmbone’s End x2)?

    On the bright side, maybe my guild will kill contested instanced avatars now.

    Seems a shame to only grab those 4 dungeons to remaster. I would have liked to see some KoS dungeons at level 95.

  2. wow, people can never be happy. It takes time to do some of the things they have done. Some of these are items we have been waiting years for. I would rather see updates like this than a bunch of stuff that is half baked. Looking forward to what is coming.

  3. @Kruzzen

    I’ll agree that some people will never be happy and will always be negative, but there’s a lot of problems with EQ2 right now that aren’t being addressed. As much as I’m interested in the solo storyline, it isn’t going to keep the population around, it will only alienate people who are fed up with constant lack of consistent priorities.

    Fable Dungeons? Why is this even a thing? Why add more dungeons when most of the current content like the group versions of WBE, WBC, and CAV are useless? What chunk of the community thought this was a good idea? Hey, remember those two remade DoF instances that came out in the Drunder update? Those sure were popular….oh wait.

  4. @Honk,

    I agree that there are a lot of issues in EQ2 right now. The question is have they dug themselves in such a hole that they are banking on EQ next to dig them out. I know they need to figure it out as it seems that there answer lately is just keep adding more in hopes people forget about all the broken stuff.

    As far as Larix comment about 10 peeps being online, I found that quite hilarious. Maybe they were just talking about in there guild. We have more than that on at any time of the day.

  5. There is going to be negativity when people pay hard earned money to play a game when they try to log on after working 10 hours only to find that their account has been banned??? Not only mine but my wife’s and several of my friends….after checking the SOE.com website not even an update or any info on what the issue was??? Very frustrating and makes me believe that SOE does not have a care or concern for their loyal players. I am considering leaving the game for good it seems to recently be causing more frustration than fun (IMHO) than it is worth. I don’t know where Smokejumper’s head is but if dose not leave his rear end many players may leave the game for good…Not to include the many that will not even try EQ Next due to having “A bad taste in their mouth”. Please SOE figure it out LISTEN your loyal customers they are the “Lifeline” of your company. (With out us, the players…you will not succeed!)

  6. @Thaleem

    No one got banned. The server was broken earlier and the message it gave out for some people was they were banned. Server got sorted out and fixed within an hour or so. Stop being melodramatic.


    EQ2 is the MMO equivalent to “60 Games in 1″ with all but a few fully functional and while others are half ass or given up on. *insert PVP battleground, Dungeon Maker, Dungeon Finder, Monster Arena, Public Quests ect ect”

  7. I m also unhappy when i see this, some raid, some junk… full of nothing. That will not add much to the game in less than one week and it will be done again. This update will not revive the flame. perhaps next one.

    All i see is for casual or raider, nothing for hardcore players who dont raid (advenced casual if you prefer).

    i love the excuse they cant do more than 4 because it take time… they got more than 10 years of work behind them and they keep trying to sell us they need time ? just hire more people and work on other thing than is not related to eq2 ingame… easy. It really feel they dont even spen more than few hour a month for this game.

    They got LOT of time, player wait since so long … in 6 months they could do more than 4 zones. They have nothing to creat all tools are already done.

    It would be great if they add some support to old unfinished feathure like bg,dm,df,PQ… some unexploited potential. I loved public quest in rift…
    Even house decorator is totaly dead and unsupported.

    “people are never happy”… give reason and we will.

    And for me summer gold rush look more a wast of time that add nothing. It will just help some people to be rude to other ingame “hey it’s consteted so i have full right to train,ks,ninja you !”.

    but at last i m glad some raider will be happy few min until they see thing are broken 😛

  8. Fabled Dungeons – a nice touch for those who remember leveling up in them (not being PLed throough them.)

    CATs – about friggin time! Feldon and I will both intend to support the exporting of CATs on our sites.

    New Avatars – nice!

    Avatar Arena – even better for those having problems getting raid groups together to kill EM content, let alone contested.

    Tradeskill & pvp rewards – always nice to see, I ponder what the gear will compare to.

  9. I’m more annoyed that there is supposedly a section in there on tradeskills, while there is nothing but the mention of apprentice “goodies” without a single hint of what exactly that will BE.

  10. @Honk

    I agree with you 100%. I have seen so many great ideas started but never finished it is just sad. The splitpaw saga was one of my favorite times as it had scaling dungeons, interactive walls and items to selve zones. It was great and had such great promise, but they just left it all by the wayside. I do like some of the changes that have come, but I am really sad for all the great things that are available in the code that they just give up on. 🙁

  11. Me Im just glad they keep my favorite game up and going. After all they could shut it down.

    I just quit raiding a couple of weeks ago due to the fact we were hitting the same targets over and over and kept seeing the same old loot, while being a 95 defiler and the wife being a 95 inq, unlike a lot of folks you get geared out and are forced to stay on raid main healers, while everybody else and their brother gets to gear out their toons that never get used. So the avatar stuff seams somewhat worth finding a new raid guild on guk.

    Were going to get old things reworked new for high levels. I sure hope the do something about the loot that drops in them, considering how bad the itemization was with the scar region.

    Still it could be worse, we could be stuck with all the old stuff and nothing new to do.

    Silver lining were getting new stuff, and the game is not closed.

  12. Well I’m looking forward to the new avatars, I hope Sol Ro isn’t as bad as it used to be and god I hope Drinal avatar doesn’t have a lift.

    Arena is a good idea but shouldn’t drop loot at all, the current 6 are just stupidly easy, the only reason they have the best loot is because they’re contested and they made them this easy to try and make them that easy.

    Was hoping that the Fabled dungeons would include some of my TSO faves but oh well.

  13. At first glance down the list I though it said “tradeskill pvp”! LoL. Death by uncountered reaction? Let the crafting wars begin!
    I need a coffee now, obviously. 🙂

  14. Mmmmm-K so when are they going to fix the Garbage Mage classes, especially the Warlock who has been S(*&T on the last 2 xpacs. i mean its pitiful when im out parsing a pure caster that has better gear then me just because my multi auto attack is OP 😛 i like playing my casters emm well i used to anyways my warlock got deleted made me a necro and replaced my warlock with a Trouby since they can outparse a wizard while afk.

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