As was hinted last month, players will see new raid content in the month of September, specifically the Sleeper’s Tomb. It’s our understanding that the difficulty of this zone will stop short of the Plane of War. Meanwhile, there have been sightings of new ETHEREAL Charms over the long weekend. It’s unclear if the charms have replaced or simply augmented the ETHEREAL weapons which first appeared in August. Remember folks, Ethereal items have an equal chance of dropping from any enemy — they do not have a higher chance of dropping from named encounters.
From the EQ2 Forums:
It’s a start of a new month, and a lot is happening in our beloved Norrath. Here’s a peek at just a few of the new features and events that will be happening this September. More will be revealed in the coming weeks!
Ethereal Charms (NEW!)
The ethereal winds have shifted in Norrath. In the month of August, mysterious and powerful weapons were randomly appearing across the land. This month, new items with similar power are beginning to appear. What could their presence mean?
Sleeper’s Tomb
What rests within this tomb? Only the bravest of adventurers should dare to enter this new zone in mid-September for new group/raid content!
Ethereal charms and weapons. Great. I’ve been levelling up a few Alts over the double XP period and before. I’ve usually had a 92 mentored with a 20 – 30 player. I’ve killed countless mobs – literally thousands – and seen not a sniff of anything ethereal.
Are there any genuine, proven tips for getting one of these things? They make Myth look common (Which is, I suppose, part of the point!).
Woot! New group content! 🙂
While new content is nice one can only imagine how buggy and pathetically itemized it will be. Test Copy is gone and the community of the test server seems to be mostly focused on decorating and tradeskilling.
This content is coming in September? Well it is the 5th already and no official date announced, the only thing that is clear is that it is going to be the same thing as UD an identical raid / heroic zone and raid zone with the same mobs.
Maybe it will be a group/x2/x4 and possibly be more than 1 zone, like Kael/Drunder/Skyshrine instances. Hopefully it will not be so pathetically easy as to be mostly cleared within hours of being released.
I haven’t even noticed anything about the new zone being mentioned in any Test patch notes. It doesn’t matter whether or not Test players could muster a force to attempt to check it for bugs if it never even hits Test.
Sleeper’s Tomb has been on Beta Server for about 2 weeks at least. the entrance to Sleeper’s Tomb is at the Crater of the awakened in EW.
Yay new group content! *fist pump* (yes, I still do fist pumps, bite me – haha)
the community of the test server seems to be mostly focused on decorating and tradeskilling.
Given how SOE disregards any ‘testing’ going on there, I expect they need to find something to pass the time…
Wait a minute…
Testcopy is gone for good??
I thought it was just down cause, well there is nothing to test atm lol
I dont think it is down for good, but they dont want the general population to get to see the new stuff. I think, that is why if you look just under the Test Copy area of EQ2 Server Status area Beta is there and Green.
I dont think they want just anyone testing the new content, just a few people so there guilds can have a lead over the rest…. or not…
maybe it was taken down to prevent people from playing full time on it.. every time I used to log into testcopy there would be some guy trying to form a raid guild on it (as his main guild lol).
Any bets on if the raid content will not be bugged and killable in September?
lol why are people going nuts about the ethereal charms? The charms are on par with SS EM charms. There’s nothing special about them.
And its been stated they’re super rare, they never said people would get them. I think people are flipping out over this for no reason.
Flipping out? I haven’t seen much buzz about them at all really, same as for the other ethereal stuff after drop rates went to crap. It just isn’t enough to cause me to go without sleep.
Windstalker announces a producers letter for today on twitter. Smed announces an announcement that will change the MMO industry. Why am I suddenly very, very afraid?
Yes, a big announcement imminent. Good job I’m playing more GW2 these days. Change the MMO industry? Coming from $med? I need new underpants.
Well the last big earth shattering announcement those asshats had to bring about was SOEmo and that best I can tell has been a total flop. Maybe it is my bias as I don’t use it, but I haven’t heard much of anything about it since it was released other that a patch that the imbeciles put in that allowed to to select an input source… which if we were truly dealing with professionals would have been there from the start.
SOE with the ‘crew’ that it has right now, at least the leadership is not capable of doing anything to change the MMO industry in a positive way, unless Smedley, SJ, Windstalker are leaving then it isn’t going to be anything positive.
I’d also be willing to bet that the announcement won’t even come Friday, just like the SOEmo B.S. they are just attention whoring.
@Cylenia and Anaogi : I wasn’t taking a shot at anyone with the comment about tradeskills and decorating on the test server, just from what I have seen on the forums that seems to be the majority of what goes on on test. I’m sure SOE’s lack of response to bug reports and feedback are huge contributors to what goes happens or in this case actually isn’t happening on test.