3 thoughts on “Update Notes: Tuesday, May 15, 2012

  1. While “The class focus effects on Plane of War armor have been updated” is good to see. Its just so damn disappointing to see *Another* underwhelmingly weak update(s) like this.

    If you go to the official forums there’s a ton of righteous stuff that gets posted up there (seems likely on a daily basis) that could afford to be noticed and corrected. As of yesterday (talking) to guildies you still have peeps whose focus effects are still buggy (sometimes when they zone, sometimes when they log in, sometimes it works), you have disproportionate loot coming out of the new SS raid zones, and HM instance zones that when compared to legendary item counterparts make it look like trash and lastly you still have the overall quagmire that is still itemization.

    Seriously, like wtf? you have all week plus a weekend to unf*ck what essentially is simple sh*t. (no ones asking for whole way the game is played to be changed) Its just simple stuff (mostly gear from lvl 90 to 92, not anything less) that people report, besides the stall tactics of making certain raid mobs still unkillable (which I’m not going to bitch about because that’s done by soe by design) to in -ame petitions being ignored or the petition process itself so slow that it never goes through.

    But I suppose I’m asking for too much as a paying customer, sorry for my *unreasonable-ness* but please do keep enjoy taking my money SOE đŸ™‚

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