18 thoughts on “StationCash Marketplace Evolution In-Game Poll

  1. I noticed how they worded the poll to only allow comment on the items possibly being introduced, not how we feel about having them introduced via Station Cash rather than just introducing the items into the game.

    “Yep, we’re gonna fleece ya, how do you feel about these items?”

  2. @Eschia… there was comment when they removed that they might be back.. and the majority of the comments or “perceptions” was that the majority of people knew they would be back..

    I played on EQ2x freeport. Its what bought be back to the game. I can’t tell you how like hot cakes rez scrolls, runes of devastations, and wands of obliteration were selling. People still played the same game but people with lots of $$ just played a little bit faster with less inconvenience.
    They generally had feedback that these items were were generally unpopular with the rest of the “Live” servers. Now that everyone can buy stuff through marketplace and free to play(your way??), that poll is testing, in my opininon, the “perception” of the player base (now accustomed to small time-saver items from the dungeon maker) to see if they still “think” or “perceive” selling health/mana pots or rez scrolls is unfavorable.

    I like ’em and I use ’em.

  3. Im with Lakoda, i also have stopped carring about it, SOE is obviously going more and more towards pay to win and I would not be surprised to see these potions, gear and raid type items on the marketplace at some point this year. That being said I will be done with this game and SOE the day GW2 goes live. Despite all SOE’s issues 12 years is a long time to be with a gaming company that does things half a$$ed most of the time.

  4. I very much like that the poll can be taken per character not per account. I answered all the polls so far “in character”, giving a variety of different answers.

    In this poll, for example, some of my characters were in favor of these convenience items and others opposed, depending on the class and outlook of the character as I see it. In the crafting poll my answer varied quite widely, depending on whether that character crafts and if so what their craft is.

    The polls really need to have a “Neither Agree nor Disagree” option, though. Quite often I feel that the question simply isn’t relevant to any of my characters.

  5. Silly thing to add. It’ll appeal to the “me now” mentality, no doubt. And yes, pay to win > play to have fun.

    As long as we supply $med$ with $’s, the more simplistic the game becomes; next we’ll know, we’ll answer “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz” to an answer to a level one quest and get insta-Drunder equipped persona with 92/92/3 bazillion or whatever… and the title “I finished EQ2”.

  6. Lol @ cristamir, he he.

    We all new that when SJ pulled these items out they would come back, and they will bend the data to show that folk want them.

    Get ready for pay to win items in game, as long as folks have the sc they will buy them.

    Frankly I canceled my sub, gave up all the free sc i had coming my way. Just adds another reason not to worry with this game. It has just become another free to play game with an item shop.

  7. It’s hilarious to me as a person who made a living writing surveys that they let each character take the poll. And that they didn’t really see a problem with that. I guess I would have been out of a job if I suggested that we give multiple surveys to various people, and asked them to fill each of them out, depending on how they felt that day. Some people, I would give 16 surveys to; some people just one. And then I would simply tabulate my results, and see what “everyone” thought. ….

    It is not possible to get meaningful results that way. Way too many variables — as Feldon pointed out.

    And, as Feldon also pointed out, the survey was designed apparently to be meaningless, but just an exercise in data collection. Really? What a waste of time.

  8. Yea I agree, too many variables if you got multiple characters. I think only 1 should be able to receive the mail to take the survey, and it should be first logged in first serve. If the mail system isn’t smart enough to know you took it already, then lets stop relying on it for the delivory method, and use something else, like buy the survey for 0SC in a special category, or put the survey in claim rewards 1 per account.

  9. Anaogi: “I have 16+ toons. Hit ‘Strongly Disagree’ on every. Last. One.”

    I have 21, just to annoy you I logged in to each and hit Strongly Agree, cancelling your vote and adding a little more weight to the Pay2Win fire.

    Have a nice day.

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