From You asked for it – we delivered! The Dungeon Finder matchmaking system for EverQuest II is finally here! No longer will you have to scour the Looking for Group, Trade, or Auction channels to find a dungeon group. We’ve developed an amazing tool that does the work for you. All you need is to come prepared with your best adventuring outfit and rations.
Year: 2011
Tomorrow’s Update brings us a positively reviewed revamp to the Troubador class, as well as a nerf rebalancing of the Dirge mythical effect. However the biggest feature in Thursday’s patch is the widely anticipated Dungeon Finder group-forming tool. Dungeon Finder will be isolated to each server at first, becoming cross-server at some point in the future. This update does not include the controversial removal of Primal Velium Shards from heroic armor. That change will likely go in next week.
We are very pleased to share the news that SOE Pre-Paid Game Cards are now available for purchase at retailers in Europe! Help us celebrate the launch of SOE Pre-Paid Game Cards in Europe! Redeem SOE Pre-Paid Game Cards anytime between October 7th, 2011 and October 10th, 2011 to get Double SC. Redeem between 12:01 am CET Oct. 7, 2011 and 11:59 pm CET Oct. 10, 2011; offer valid only through redemption of SOE Pre-Paid PC Game Cards purchased from participating retailers in Europe. Visit for European retailers and game card information. According to SOE’s Game Card Availability...
October 5, 2011 5:03 pm
From Beginning October 6, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. US Pacific login for all servers, subscription and commerce services will be unavailable for maintenance. We expect this maintenance to take approximately an hour and a half. This may also cause some forum accounts to temporarily lose permissions, due to the inability to verify account status while the maintenance is taking place. This is only temporary and normal permissions will return automatically once the maintenance is complete.
No sooner than we’ve posted a long-simmering article about Velious’ steep heroic progression than changes have hit Test which could turn EQ2’s heroic progression on its ear. Brace yourself. Everything you know about Velious shard armor is about to change.
From Rothgar on the EQ2 Forums: What are your current concerns with the state of PvP in EQ2? Separation of PvP/PvE stats? PvP Mechanics? Warfronts? Battlegrounds? Flying Mounts? Population? Something else? Feel free to prioritize them in a list such as the one above. Rothgar‘s thread has also served as a great literacy test. Most players have responded with novel-length feedback.
October 5, 2011 4:35 am
Nights of the Dead returns to Norrath next Thursday October 13th through November 7th with new quests, new crafted items, and more fun. Nights of the Dead 2011 Preview @ EQ2Traders New Nights of the Dead 2011 Crafted Items “plants vs zombies” event image courtesy EQ2Traders
Are you spending much time in Kael Drakkel? Drunder? Elements of War? That’s ok, neither are most other people. EQ2 has a storied history of challenging dungeons. Players who have been around since the Fallen Dynasty fondly recall Nizara for its breathtaking challenge. Echoes of Faydwer delivered the instant classic Estate of Unrest. Kunark followed up with the mid-summer release of Veksar 2 and Runnyeye 2 (both forerunners of so-called Hard Mode zones). The Shadow Odyssey had a pair of zingers — Ruins of Guk and the Palace of Ferzhul. However no EverQuest II expansion has played host to...
Today’s update removes the need for Critical Mitigation from Velious overland zones, as well as Kael Drakkel: Throne of Storms and the Temple of Rallos Zek (non-challenge). From the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Sullon, Tallon and Vallon x4 raid zones (challenge versions) Many of the adds in the boss encounters now have reduced health. Sullon, Tallon and Vallon x4 raid zones (non-challenge versions) In the non-challenge instances of these raid zones NPC bosses now have less health and do somewhat less damage with their melee attacks and spells. Temple of Rallos Zek: Foundations of Stone [Challenge] The...
Reversing yesterday’s odd changes to the Zek and Drunder Breastplates, here Today’s Update Notes for September 28, 2011: ITEMS Temple of Rallos Zek non-challenge BP mitigation values should be fixed. Temple of Rallos Zek non-challenge BP crit mit should be at 34%. Talisman of the Ethernauts should work for real this time. Fixed crit mit values on Elements of War caster legs and forearms. Fixed the stats on the Feinting Dagger of the Cunning Gambit and Feinting Blade of the Cunning Gambit.
Yesterday, Test received an update with these auspicious line items: Kael and Drunder group BPs have been modified to better fit within the progression. Temple of Rallos Zek Raid Hard mode BPs have had their power increased. The result of these changes, however, has been less than desirable. The Mitigation (not crit mit, but the basic mitigation) of all the Breastplates (Robes, Cuirassen, Hauberks, Gis, Tunics, etc.) from Kael Drakkel: Fortress Spire and Drunder: Tower of Tactics has been reduced by over 90%.
From the EQ2 Forums: Beginning September 29, 2011 at 6:00 a.m. PDT subscription and commerce services will be unavailable for maintenance. We expect this maintenance to take approximately two and half hours. This may also cause some forum accounts to temporarily lose permissions, due to the inability to verify account status while the maintenance is taking place. This is only temporary and normal permissions will return automatically once the maintenance is complete. We apologize for this interruption and will resume all affected services as soon as the maintenance is completed. Time Zone Calculations: PDT: September 29, 2011 at 6:00~8:30...
From the EQ2 Forums: HOUSE RATING SYSTEM The House Rating System has been modified to use the median value of all ratings instead of a simple average. This will reduce the effect caused by players leaving extremely low or extremely high values that are outside of the norm for that house. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Kylong Plains Gregor Footstomper, Warlord Di’Ouz, Gorguolatha and Widow Mistress Xalthira in Kylong Plains should now drop treasure. Nektulos All Griffin flight paths in Nektulos will now function properly. ITEMS Fixed an issue where the incorrect leg shader would appear when wearing kilts. The...
From Brell Serilis is in search of more treasure to expand his vault! He has selected some treasures from the EverQuest II Marketplace to add to the hoard of valuables locked in his vault deep underground. Get select items now before Brell locks them away on October 2, 2011. Items placed in the Vault of Serilis won’t be available for purchase until at least sometime next year. Visit the Marketplace and select Vault of Serilis to get these items now! The list of items being mothballed put aside until 2012 can be read at or in-game in...
NOTE: This article contains no new information since August’s SOE Fan Faire 2011 event, but since these questions have been coming up more and more frequently, I thought I’d do a recap. EverQuest II: Age of Discovery With its promise of new features rather than new content, EverQuest II’s eighth expansion has the makings of an atypical release. EverQuest II: Age of Discovery is touted to have: Beastlords — The most frequently requested feature of EQ1 arrives with the Beastlord class. The 25th class will wear Brawler equipment but otherwise have an archetype of Scout. Will have a separate...
From the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Drunder All Challenge mode raids have had overall health for non-boss NPCs decreased by 25%. Sullon’s Spire x4 raid [Challenge Mode] Aaranae Acrimae: She no longer speeds up the recast of Force of the web as the fight goes on. Temple of Rallos Zek x4 Raid [Challenge Mode] Supreme Imperium Valdemarr and the Statue of Rallos Zek now have significantly fewer hit points. Vallon’s Tower Raid [Challenge Mode] Lichlord Skulldugger fight: Greater deathknights have less health. Maalus will not cast irrevocable death as often on players during his portion of the...
September 21, 2011 7:44 am
From Zoltaroth on the EQ2 Forums: LG Services should be back up and running. Let us know if you run into any more issues. Sorry for the delay. and from SmokeJumper: …LG is a third-party service. Coordinating with outside people is always more challenging, thus the delay. We apologize for the delay, but it should be fixed now.
After a couple of false starts, it looks like EverQuest II’s Dungeon Finder feature will be hitting the Test and Test Copy servers today. It’s important to note that the EQ2 Dungeon Finder feature will NOT allow cross-server grouping when it goes live. That’s planned for a distant future update. From SmokeJumper on the EQ2 Forums: Hi, folks, The GU 61 feature that got delayed, “Dungeon Finder” is coming to your Test server on Friday, 9/20, in the morning update. Here’s an early peek at the release notes you see then. There are definitely still bugs in the system,...
Here are your update notes for today, September 20th, 2011: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Fortress of Drunder: Citadel of V’uul (x2) Overall health of trash and boss encounters has been lowered. PLAYER HOUSING Added a unique house ID number to saved house layout files. This can be used to identify a file from one house that has the same zone as another house. NOTE: Old version 5 files should still be loadable. New saved files will be version 6 and include the unique ID. ITEMS Kingdom of Sky “Cloud Mount” questline rewards have had set bonuses re-added to them....
Ever since the San Diego power outage on which knocked out all SOE servers, players attempting to use the LiveGamer service to transfer/buy/sell items and characters on the Bazaar and Vox servers have been receiving the following error message: Item not sent! Transfer Asset Failure On September 13th, Bunji posted in a thread discussing this issue on the EQ2 Forums: This issue is currently being investigated. There were two followup posts from Bunji indicating that the service should be working, but whatever was fixed on SOE’s end did not resolve the situation, suggesting a problem on LiveGamer’s end.
There are several options to upgrade your character’s Chest slot in Velious without raiding. There are now three questlines in Velious that offer Chestpieces, including the Othmir quests, the Flying Gryphon questline, and the new Thrael’Gorr quests introduced in Game Update 61. Public Quests have also offered a Chestpiece for those who are either extremely lucky or extremely patient. Depicted at the top of this article is the power progression in Scout Chestpieces from Othmir quest gear all the way to Zek HM. Click the image to view all 11 items side-by-side.
Looks like Dungeon Finder is just about ready to go to Test and Test Copy. From Zoltaroth‘s Twitter feed: Just finished play testing Dungeon Finder for EQ2 again. It’s almost ready for test server, very exciting! Friday September 16 UPDATE from SmokeJumper: It should hit the Test server today. We have one last playtest to do this morning to be sure, and if it passes that, then to Test it goes!
EQ2 Associate Producer Domino has started a new thread in the public Test forum regarding some changes to Pathing in EQ2. It’s not clear if these changes are intended to address the Issues With Mob Warping which we have discussed in the past. We have made a change to the way pathing works in a few zones on Test server, and would like your feedback.Have you noticed anything different? Better or worse?
From the EQ2 Forums: Hello Troubadors! We have finally completed the first draft of our Troubador revamp and would like to get your feedback on these ideas. Our primary goal is to give Troubadors more options during combat that can have a clear effect on the fight. Viewed individually, some of the changes may be considered minor, but we hope all these small and moderate changes will add up to a much more dynamic and interesting class.
From the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Plane of War Players may now enter the plane of war, once someone on the server has defeated all 3 demigods of war (Sullon, Vallon and Tallon Zek) in challenge mode. Drunder x4 raid zones Players can now enter the challenge mode Drunder x4 raid zones without having killed the previous demi-god in challenge mode. Sullon’s Spire x4 raid [Challenge Mode] Aaranae Acrimae: Her adds have less health. The rage devourer no longer casts the aoe multistrike.