5 thoughts on “Server, Forums and Website Downtime – September 29, 2011

  1. Was this written by some people not familiar with the English language?

    “and commerce services will be unavailable for maintenance” — that reads that they won’t be able to do maintenance on them.

    should read: Due to maintenance, commerce services will be unavailable. Correct sentence structure for the win.

  2. And if you’re unlucky enough to be among those who lose permissions, you can’t log into the game. I was camping to an alt after putting together a group and bam, the logon server couldn’t login my alt and I got kicked and couldn’t log back in. Hooray!

  3. Don’t know if it’s just me, but no longer able to login to game, eq2players, or Station now… I play on Splitpaw & game stopped responding upon recalling to my GH. Clicked exit and every attempt to login to game, boards, or station yield unknown password/user, system error, or CAS not available. Mebbe not a hack, but sure seems like yet another SOE SNAFU at this point :(P

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