17 thoughts on “Making EQ2X a Real Choice

  1. My guess is that in the future you’ll see EQ2 phased out and the only version is going to be EQ2X.

    SOE already realized there are more people playing EQ2X and they’re making more money from that version of the game then they are making from live servers.

    As I stated before, the game is going under and going free to play is their only option to keep it a float. They’ll need to phase out the live servers and focus all of their attention on where they’re making the majority of their money if they plan on entering the market as a major MMO contender.

  2. @Katz

    I’m not going to look it up for you. Go look up the information yourself.

    if I remember correctly it was Smoke Jumper that stated (not to long ago) that EQ2X is their most populated server, more-so then all the live servers combined.

    Then I also saw someone posted a link on the forums not to long ago that was linked to an interview by SOE talking about their income and how they’ve seen a huge increase in revenue coming in from EQ2X and that it was topping the money that was coming in from live servers.

    Why do you think they’re putting so much emphasis on EQ2X rather then EQ2 Live?

  3. just combine the services and make eq2 free to play like almost every other game out there.

    the eq2 and eq2x stuff is already confusing enough.

    it’s done great things for lotro. wow is on the same path now with the “free to level 20” deal.

    i see no reason to keep the two services separate. combine them, free to play for everyone, folks that pay $15 / month get access to the entire game, free players have restrictions (like certain zones being part of a “pack” they can purchase to access).

    seriously. go look at lotro’s model. it’s pretty much the definition of how it should be done.

  4. @Chris what did anyone expect when you choke of a supply of fresh players to the live servers where you get everything for one price rather then nickel and diming the players. And that was exactly what they did when they removed the free trial. Now that they have a bunch of players willing to be nickel and dimed they are throwing the live servers a 1/4 bone in the fact ok you can now have your free trial back. To little to late to save the live servers. Eventually all servers will be F2P.

    Smokeblower knew all along they were going to starve the live servers of fresh players and push players towards EQ2X. That is the only logical explanation when live did not get the same advertising as EQ2x, Live was relegated to a little subscribe button vs a big play now button. Smokeblower can try to spin it all he wants he knew very well what they were doing from the start and was just blowing smoke to try to cover their tracks.

  5. @Chris

    Smokejumper has gone on the forums and mentioned several times that the EQ2X making more then Live isn’t true, and while Freeport is the largest server its not larger then the rest of the EQ2Live servers combined for sure.

    If the EQ2X was making much more money then Live then I think we’d have seen DCUO launch with that payment model. While EQ2X has a place, as Feldon points out it can harm the revenue from the Live servers. I’d also say that if EQ2X was so big a runaway success as to dwarf the live servers then they would have gone ahead with the extra servers to purchase – instead they brought them for live.

    Looking at the two servers I would say both should be profitable, but a player on Live is guaranteed to be paying ~10$ a money + they will be as likely to buy a virtual item. The extra items on sale on EQ2X have to make up the missing $10 a month in that case to even make a EQ2X player as equally profitable as a EQ2 Live player.

    Personally I think they should do some sort of extended trial for live, and play on the idea that once people invest enough time into their characters they will want to keep going. That and fix the lower level itemisation+spice up with PQ’s and fix mentoring.

  6. Sony fully intended to go F2P on ALL servers but the vocal forumites at the time screamed bloody murder that they did not want free to play players in their backyard. Hence the Freeport server was born and became a perfect example of the phrase ‘be careful what you wish for’.

  7. @ Chris
    reading comprehension FTW.
    Smokejumper said eq2x is the largest server, he did not say it was larger then all of eq2live servers combined.

    Smokejumper said eq2x has increased eq2’s revenue and the service is doing well. He did not say it was making more money then all of eq2live.

  8. “EverQuest 2 Extended — Pay-as-you-Go, Experience a ton of EverQuest 2 content for free, only buy the features and content you need!”

    This is not true if we cant buy platinum limit unlockers!

  9. I maintain that they should have bit the bullet and taken the existing servers free to play. Live server population is unsustainable with the newbies funneled to the extended service, but the extended model has also suffered from the need to stand alone – solo tourists need not pay to see the content, raiders can get by for one-time unlock fees plus 50 cents per gear drop (no one replaces 30 pieces of raid gear per month), and I can’t imagine that it’s fun to look for a DOV PUG with 2/3 of the classes trapped behind the paywall.

    I have a level 90 crafter and basically all my plat comes from selling rare harvests, but if SOE wants to sell foolish people rares and mastercrafts to keep the game from going under, I’ll take that deal any day. Other than that, the cash shop offerings are pretty darned similar, most people who would have ragequit if the live servers had gone F2P have already gone off to Rift anyway, and I don’t see any other benefit to the separation a year out.

  10. The only reason that they had to separate the two is because smokeblower was hired to bring micro transactions to eq2 and the live servers did not want the servers ruined by what he was trying to do. It never had anything to do with new players, and totally about promoting SC.

  11. I have a lifetime subscription to LoTRO and when the game went F2P I was very upset. Now almost a year later I am very happy with the state of the game.

    6 months ago I started a new character on the Extended server and bought a silver subscription, now I am Gold. I’ll regret my friends on Splitpaw (well, the few ones that are still around) and some of my toons but I really enjoy my playtime on Freeport (more $$ – 20$ so far – but less farming = more fun).

  12. All I know is what I’ve seen. In a guild of 600+ toons with over 300 accounts, it’s rare to see three people online now, and they’re usually new to the guild. Just a year ago 30+ would’ve been typical with occasional spikes.

    I’m sure it doesn’t mean anything though.

  13. If the marketing was fair the first thing they’d do is not assign any color theme to either or of the games. It is a marketing fact that people are drawn to warmer colors, or actually they get noticed much more than the colder/cooler colors.

    The fact they have EQII Live on one side with a cold icy theme, and Extended on the other with a flame theme, if you’ve ever done any marketing or advertising, you know that EQII Extended is getting top billing.

    My 2cp.

  14. @ Chris – If you really think for a fraction of a second that SOE thought that they were not making any money on live that they wouldn’t just merge the remaining players into Extended and say “sink or swim” you would really be showing a far inferior state of intelligence than most people that play the game.

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