4 thoughts on “Not Giving Away the Store on Veteran Rewards, Plus Test vs. Test Copy

  1. The comment “We’re going to be using Test-Copy as the “rough draft” server and then move things to Test when we think they’re ready to publish.” I find really amusing. I was under the impression that the LIVE server was the TEST server since, for the most part, every time stuff is released we have to petition all the bugs and get it all fixed. 🙂

  2. I think the problem as letting people advance characters on the original test server to begin with. It was intended to be just what it is claled, a “test” server. After so many years of letting players actually play and build up characters on the server though, they are afraid to use it for that now. They need to do what other games do and wipe their test server every few months, that would keep people from playing long term there and not actually testing things as was intended.

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