10 thoughts on “Out with the Hole, In with the Velious

  1. I have all lower toons 12 of them and only 1 is 90 ( I love the older content) and I have had my health and power dropped in half, I have tons of useless stats on my gear, my XP gaining options are being nerfed, there are no plans to fix any of the lower lvl itemization, I still have INT on my fighter only gear from before SF went and did the stat changes, The spiffy new flying mounts are for those 85 and up.

    So ummm….. Yeah,
    Devs, How about some love for the little guys too.

  2. Not really sure it to get people to buy Velious though..
    If you did not already get it, why would you gind the new 50 AA’s in the hole in the first place ?

    I just think its the normal S.O.E way of “fixing” things, nerf nerf nerf..
    Pretty sure when someone wants a new job there its the guy with the biggest nerfbat who gets it.

    Working ?? Nope..
    I like the idea of The hole, mostly because I think solo questing is so damn boring, so for me it was a nice way of getting AA’s without having to do all thoose stupid solo quests, but I guess now they force me to make a choice.. Rift or Soloquesting, not really sure yet which win..

    Consider all aspect of the game before you swing the nerfbat S.O.E, with so many users, you have to leave many different options also..

  3. i didn’t even think of going to the hole to grind AAs i was having a blast popping fortune league aa pots and doing quests and experiencing new content i guess im in the minority
    yah i want 300 aa too.

  4. James it was a max level expansion, that was clear before it was release, and before you paid for it. That means if your not gunna work your toons to 90, then your probably should not have bothered with it.

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