Players on Butcherblock, Crushbone, Everfrost, Unrest, and Guk just received the following message: Greetings Norrath! The server will be coming down for a brief update at 02:30 PM PST [22:30 GMT] Wednesday December 22, 2010. Please find a safe place to log out before the server comes down. We’ll let you know when we find out the cause of this unexpected downtime. UPDATE: This update is apparently to address an issue with illusion forms and will require the servers to be offline for approximately 1 hour. Amnerys has posted an announcement.
Day: December 22, 2010
The Freeblood Lair housing is now available in the StationCash Marketplace. For 1500SC ($15), any Freeblood character can purchase a tiny cozy intimate version of the Mistmoore Crag Estate (which was a 7 year Veteran Reward). Cyliena has posted screenshots and more information about this new EQ2 Prestige Housing over at EQ2 ZAM.
Smokejumper posted this announcement today on The time for Closed Beta testing of “Destiny of Velious” is upon us! Applications are now open and available at the following link:…9&theme=station Go there, complete the application process, and your application will go into the queue for approval. (Hint: You’re not finished applying until you accept the NDA.) We’ll be reviewing applications starting on January 3rd, and Closed Beta will begin on January 5th. If you are approved for beta, you’ll get an email letting you know, so check your email (out-of-game only) between the 3rd and the 5th! PLEASE...
Here are your hotfix notes for December 22, 2010: GENERAL Fixed some issues which could cause raid zones to crash. for EQ2Wire
SOE are trying something new with their EQ2 Bonus XP this time around. Past Bonus XP events have taken place over a weekend or during the holidays which has been good for some players, but not so good for others who are visiting family or working over the weekend. So this time around, the Bonus XP event is a Double XP Weekendish. From SmokeJumper on the EQ2 Forums: We’re doing Double XP Days from Dec 27th (Monday) to Dec 30th (Thursday). Most of you will be shocked to hear that we’re doing Double XP not actually on one of...