Here’s the latest update from Rothgar:
Both merges are still going great, no issues so far. We hope to have the chat portion of the merge done in 2 or 3 hours.
FYI, this will be the last merge of the year.
Update from Rothgar as of 1:49pm PST:
We’re ahead of schedule on the merges today. Chat should be back up any minute now and the servers are being QA’d as we speak. Hopefully if there are no QA issues we will have the servers unlocked in an hour or two.
Also, if you happen to have characters on both of the servers that are being merged into one, Rothgar explains what happens with the shared bank:
If you have characters on both servers that are being merged, and both characters have items in the shared bank, one of the banks will have it’s contents put in your overflow. This is because we can’t merge the two shared banks into one bank due to slot conflicts. So if you log in and find stuff in your overflow, thats most likely the cause. Everything else should merge fine.
Oasis is back online!
Thank ya! Posted the info in the next article.