Tonight, Kithicor, Butcherblock, Mistmoore, and Permafrost all go under the Server Merge knife, so this means all servers will experience some loss of Chat functionality, in-game Mail, and Friends lists. On the Najena -> Unrest merge, this worked out to about 12 hours, so we expect that tomorrow, there will be 12-14 hours of these features being unavailable on ALL servers during the heart of the merge window.
About 18 hours into the merge, Rothgar posted:
Chat is coming up right now, so in reality it was only down for about 12 hours and that was due in part to fixing a problem with the mail from the Everfrost merge. Most people will only experience 3-6 hours of chat downtime unless you happen to be someone that plays through the middle of the night.
We can’t space the mergers out any more and have them done before the holidays. By combining multiple servers at once, we are doing the best we can to minimize downtime.