Latest update from Zoltaroth: Update: Butcherblock should be open within the next 15 minutes. Permafrost is going into QA. Also, I can personally confirm that Butcherblock is in fact back online right this second. I’m logged in and checking out the new digs. 🙂 And this in as well from Zoltaroth: We are opening up Permafrost now. And we have confirmation from Quesera in the comments that Permafrost is up.
December 16, 2010 11:05 am
From Rothgar on the EQ2 Forums: The merges are still going fine. The chat/mail portion of the merge is a little behind schedule unfortunately so chat may be down longer than expected. I’ll try to provide an ETA later today.
December 15, 2010 3:51 am
Tonight, Kithicor, Butcherblock, Mistmoore, and Permafrost all go under the Server Merge knife, so this means all servers will experience some loss of Chat functionality, in-game Mail, and Friends lists. On the Najena -> Unrest merge, this worked out to about 12 hours, so we expect that tomorrow, there will be 12-14 hours of these features being unavailable on ALL servers during the heart of the merge window.
February 16, 2010 2:05 pm
It seems the fixes made to Butcherblock didn’t last as the server is down again. More as we have it. Update: Server came up in about 30 minutes.
February 16, 2010 12:35 pm
From Kiara: Butcherblock experienced a hardware failure. They’re fixing it now. We’re going to keep the server locked until it’s fixed. ETA 10:30am PST. UPDATE: Butcherblock is now up.