EverQuest 2: Destiny of Velious PART ONE
This is part 1 of Velious.
300 quests
10 instances
4 heritage quests
2 overland zones
1 contested dungeon
6 raid zones
Kraytoks Fortress Spire
Forgotten Pools
the Ascent — dungeon will change as you complete queses
The Othmir — playable race? No
Screen shots
Including kingdom of sky
Question: new guild halls?
Rothgar: nothing we can reveal yet…
Question: go to player housing amenity?
Rothgar limitations prevent this so far.
Question: sirens grotto?
georgeson: in part 2
Level 90 but more AAs
More playable races? Not at this time. Othmir are npc not playable
Question: server merges?
georgeson: we will have more news for this on you.
question: flying mounts invisible? Can we fly like superman?
Response: mm didn’t think of that!!
Question: raid trash mobs too many
Rothgar : you guys are supposed to clear the trash (audience chuckle) that’s a no win question.
Question: anything else in the expansion?
Georgeson: cant commit to anything else.
Question: flying mounts only on stationcash?
(audience laughs)
Answer: quested flying mount.
Question: if we can’t play othmir how about an illusion?
Question: real consequences to choosing faction?
Answer: talking about it on the team.
Question: Halas specific guild hall?
Answer: cant commit to a date.
Question: increase house item count?
Rothgar: house item limit is to keep performance under control.
Question: qeynos housing lights improvement?
Question: itemization in Velious.
Answer: tokens. Drops. What you would expect.
Velious dungeons start at 86.
Question: can fae fly now? A flying character on a flying mount is silly.
Answer: will talk about it.
Instead of 3-4 months to animate and create a mount it’s down to 3-4 weeks.
Leko Question: pvp on flying mounts? New war fields?
Answer: ask in pvp panel.
No chance of continent merges.
Question: armor sets
Answer: we are having different artists making and designing Armor sets to increase the variety.
Question: how do you zone from antonica to thundering steppes on a flying mount?
answer: we had to set a ceiling height to keep the old portals/zoning from breaking. New zones will have better setups.
Question: were screen shots shader 1 or 3?
Answer: making sure it looks good in both.
Georgeson: please check out shaders 3 on test on aug 17 gu57. It’s much better.
Raids more like sentinels fate and less like icy keep.
Flying mounts — dome ceiling so as you get close to zone edges you lower. You can change elevation.
Thanks for not making more “city of curses” raids. Audience applause.
Question: snow bunny pet?
Answer: not committing at this time. 🙂
Question: upgrade flying carpets to fly?
Answer: have nit planned it. But might talk about it as new mount.
Quest journal increase? No plans. It kills client and server performance. No plans at this time to “retire”
Question: Velious part 2 as a game update or expansion?
Georgeson: not sure. The industry keeps changing. We intend to finish it.
Contested raids? In an instance. Oh vey…
jethal: gnome panty lines and other clothing issues…
Response: we want to fix these.
Question: avatars returning?
Rothgar: are you the 10%? (chuckle)
No plans
No plans for plane of growth.
Summoners sharing stats with pet? Talking about it.
Lots of flying mount questions.
Question: npcs look better than pcs. Improved hairstyles?
Answer: we know coldain look better. New art. We’d like to.
Question: unattuning items?
No plans
Question: new deities?
Can’t talk about yet. Would spoil the lore.
Question: only 6 slots in trade window?
Rothgar: first time hearing this. Will look into it.
Question: more smart loot?
Answer: will look into it
Question: raid looting to wrong people?
Rothgar: will look into it.
Question: more female dresses and color choices?
It’s coming.
End Velious panel
Has anyone started uploading videos from fan faire yet?
I know what I am going to make 🙂 Thank you for all your hard work getting this info to us Feldon!
Flying mounts in every zone = it’s going to break a lot of zones.
which zones do you think it will break xalmat?
well considering that they will have to redo the zones in order to let us fly them… unless they are on a specific track? like the griffs now?
They will have to redo the vertical axis in order for us to fly the mounts, if they are controllable…z iirc. That is a fundimental change, and I can easily see the zones being fubared.
I’d hope they’re redoing all the older zones with a QA pass. Alot of these zones will have disappearing geometry if you’re flying above it.
Most likely the old world zones like Antonica and Commonlands where there’s a lot of geometry that can’t normally be accessed, unless they make copious usage of invisible walls to restrict player movement (they’d pretty much have to). I could also see problems cropping up in Pillars of Flame and Moors of Ykesha.
I forgot about disappearing geometry. That will wreck havoc in Greater and Lesser Faydark for sure.
overland zones = antonica, commonlands,nektulos, thundering steppes, stonebrunt highlands etc..
Is anyone else disappointed that there are only 2 overland zones in this expansion as well? I hope they at least don’t block off the majority of a (potential) zone with mountains this time..
So are they doing two velious expansions then?
no…think it might be part 2 tomorrow
disappearing geometry would be the bigger issue, I imagine the flying mounts may require a certain level to even use if that is the case, it may not break older zones as far as progression
Sure looks like it Jeff. Hope they don’t to half at one level cap and half at another.
I am thinking it might be a guild level thing as well as adv/tradeskill level. Hopefully it wont be tied to marketplace 🙁
nope!!! seems it is quested! Hopefully not a stupid cloud ….
Where are the videos and pictures? 🙁
Why not split the level cap between the two parts? If anything, I see this as a cool idea for progression versus what they have been doing…
I am really hoping that the zones wont be too badly affected. I am concerned that this is going to break many of the zones…I will be keeping an eye out for any and all info. Hopefully it won’t require new hardware etc for us to work with the fixes they are sure to put in.
Knives, I too am disapointed … sounds not enough to explore … Makes me remember how quick S’F was done :'(
Knives, I too am disappointed … sounds not enough to explore … Makes me remember how quick S’F was done :'(
I hope the 2 overland zones are not a solofest since there is already plenty of content to reach lvl 90. Something a little harder would be cool.
well, hopefully….they will be huge massive zones? Velious was not a small expansion by any means. I am trying to keep the faith that they are larger than the last few overland zones we have had. Especially with flying mounts being put in… I can see people hollering because they cross the zone too fast and have no time to fly! 🙂
Yes Shai, you score the point on this one! 🙂
So long as Velious isn’t another island that broke off from Norath and is now floating off somewhere…
Flying : as you approach zone line, the ceiling brings you down so you don’t see the edges. They are not rebuilding zones.
I have to choose. Write or post photos. Maybe next year with laptop and mi-fi.
Will post pics soon.
Just had a thought… since the mounts are able to fly now, will we be able to reach KOS/Shimmering Citadel etc from the overland zones (and vice versa) with the mount? Or would we still need to take a portal of some sort?
Nice job Feldon 🙂 Once again, thank you!
I just did not understand really well this part1/part2 system? So, not everything will be delivered when Velious’ll be released?
Did they give information on how long it would take for part 2 to be released? Soon after part 1?
I’m a bit lost …
Kinda sounds like they don’t have the foggiest clue of how/when they’ll release part 2.
Melanore, when I think part 1 and part 2, I’m thinking the recent EQ1 expansion regarding Underfoot. Only about half the expansion was released at “launch” with the other half several months later.
Ok, I guess we’ll have more information in a near future but sounds like they’ll split the release of the content … Thank you 🙂
Thats pathetic flying mounts big whoop i can lots of problems with that indeed maybe another halas type fiasco,not ready till way after xpac launch.
Very disappointed with this so far.
I think the part 1 and part 2 was in reference to the Panels at Fan Faire.
Part 1 is in reference to todays meeting, Part 2 is in reference to tomorrows meeting
I’m hoping that this would mean the end of invisible walls, but either way I’m looking forward to seeing where they go with it.
Upset about the Otthimir, would have been cool. Looks like evil once again has more exclusives then good, again.
This reply in the transcript makes it clear that Pts 1 and 2 of Velious refer to two separate content pushes, not two panels at FanFaire, surely?
“Question: Velious part 2 as a game update or expansion?
Georgeson: not sure. The industry keeps changing. We intend to finish it.”
Looks good to me. I’d prefer 10 overland zones and 2 instances to the other way about, but I’m just going to hop ethe two are REALLY BIG ZONES like Eastern Wastes was in the original!
Alright so after talking with some friends we made some comparisons:
300 quests
10 instances
4 heritage quests
2 overland zones
1 contested dungeon
6 raid zones
AA increase
400ish quests?
12 instances
at least 4 heritage quests (don’t know the exact count)
2 overland zones
1 contested dungeon
4 raid zones (with 2 added in at the GU 3 months later).
Level and AA increase
so…Velious part 1, will not be much bigger than SF content wise, although maybe the zones themselves will be bigger? All I have to say is …
In case there’s any doubt, Destiny of Velious is the FIRST PART of Velious. It is unknown what form the remainder of Velious will take, as far as an expansion or game update.
It is a very sad day for me, I actually uninstalled eq2. Was a fun 6 years, but it is time for me to hang up my hat. So long and thanks for all the fish.
Yes, I agree with Bhagpuss in that I would prefer
“I’d prefer 10 overland zones and 2 instances to the other way about, but I’m just going to hop ethe two are REALLY BIG ZONES like Eastern Wastes was in the original!”
I am praying that the overland zones are huge…not like the piddly SF ones or the Kunark zones. I would love to have each overland zone the size of Kunark combined at the very least. Velious was a huge MASSIVE land mass, and it should retain that sense of grandeur and immenseness.
I am not seeing much of what is coming. Is there gonna be a new aa tree? Is it just more aa’s? It seems like there is not a liot of info as to what is coming with this next xpac.
Kruz as far as I have been able to see, more aa’s are being added for sure.
No other info really given as of yet on whether it will be a new tree or more AA’s…but I would think looking at the past few expansions, most likely it will be new trees added. We will just have to wait and see if anyone actually got a definitive answer on that tho at this time.
“the superman question”
HAHA! I see what they did there. 😛
Well, sounds like we’re getting Velious in name only and another jip of an expansion. 2 overland zones? No Plane of Growth?
And looking at the current pictures they have nothing even CLOSE to the spirit/style/content of the original Velious.
Very very sad day. This might have brought me back to EQ2 but I certainly don’t want to go back only to find out it’s not Velious but another mish mash of pointless architecture and textures.
Oh and flying mounts appear to be confirmed as “fixed path”. Wtf? Seriously lol. Those are taxies, not flying mounts if so!
Have you got a link for that info?
Pre-determined flight paths: http://www.massively.com/2010/08/10/soe-officially-announces-eqiis-destiny/
“Speaking of diving, we’ve now confirmed that flying mounts will allow you to venture off the beaten path of pre-determined flight tracks, wheeling and soaring at will.” From Massively’s SOE announcement post.
Now that I read that, I could be misinterpreting that. It could be saying the opposite. Could be my bad!
Could be? *lol* I think you meant to say ‘oops!’.
The question about disappearing geometry came up @ FF and the reply was the one about using ceiling domes. i.e. the farther you are from the edge of the zone, and the higher the ‘wall’ at the edge of the zone, the higher the dome could be. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the domes in some zones are quite low and/or riddled with invisible walls to keep you on the path. (i.e. I doubt there’s going to be an ability to take a straight line across Nektulos even with a flying mount. I’d be happy to be wrong, however. 🙂
I counted about 340 quests in SF including heritage and sig quests
the flying mounts sound cool its just its going to cause alot of lag but what about the other type of flying mounts like the flying carpet are they really going make that in to a flying mount or keep it as a hovering mount? but other wise it looks like a good exspansion, Good Work SoE -Team
I realize this has already been covered, but for those that missed it: This is not WoW. When Blizzard made WoW it was only 2 dimensional. All of the sky was just painted. When they added flying mounts they made the new zones with a real sky, an up. That’s why you can only fly in certain zones in WoW. EQ2 has always had an up. The zones won’t be messed up, and if you read the article you’ll find out that they fixed the one minor problem that might have occurred by making the sky a dome.
Well i hope to god we don’t get another kiddie playable race (Othmir)they can keep the frogs i can live with that, just tired of eq2 trying to be cute like Warcraft thats why i will never play WoW, I would like to see the game go in a different direction as far as graphics are concerned more into the armor of aion and cool looking liniage2 weapons, but downsized to a reasonable preportion. If i wanted to impress someone with a new character class it would be a Centaur or Minotaur that would be awesome, yet UNIQUE! (new motto)–>”be creative, be unique”. Put LON Loot cards out and make them achievement rewards…make ingame instance gear that is better than BattleGround gear…i could right a book on all the reasonable and realistic idea’s i have but no one cares.
I dont understand why Sony cant EVER be proud of a game.. for years I thought they were proud of EQ1 but they ruined that.. They created and ruined SWG before they ruined EQ1 though… Now eq2… after this many years of a wonderful game.. they’ve ruined it.. I will never be back to Sony again =( It sucks.. unless of course they fix either SWG (no chance) or EQ2 ( they are having butt sex with eachother instead of continuing EQ2.. instead they are creating WOW2… too bad Sony finally came out of the closet) I will most certainly be back! I hope to GOD I get to come back but its not looking like it.. and believe me.. it breaks my heart =(