5 thoughts on “Can’t Solo to 90?

  1. The only thing to comment to those people is the same that one should have said to the whiners in ROK: Fook off. If you limit yourself to a certain playstyle, then learn to accept the consequences of your self-imposed limits.

  2. This is a “one time only thing” for people that were level 80 and had completed all quests prior to SF.
    I recently leveled a character and hadn’t touched JW or Moors quests before hitting 80. I was about 1/2 way through the KJ line.
    Any future players will likely be able to level to 84 or 85 with quests before ever starting in Odus.

    imo, it was a wise move considering there is now a overabundance of quests between 70 and 80.

    The thing they did incorrectly is that all content in Odus should have been 81+ mobs. There was no reason for the sub 80 content.

  3. Gnova has it right – I dinged 80 in December partway through JW (this was just before the exp streamlining for 65-75), finished JW for AA and saved the Moors for the level cap increase. I was, frankly, concerned about raising the cap with only two overland zones in the expansion, compared to five zones for 70-80. It looks like I’ll hit 83 or so by the time I’m out of the Moors, and I guess I’ll find out if that was enough of a headstart.

    (Also remember that the Rime timeline did not exist until last fall, so four of those zones were less populated, and the fifth was added in an expansion a year after ROK. Presumably there will be more content added to the 80’s through game updates, and possibly the next expansion.)

    P.S. I personally have level capped characters in both WoW and LOTRO, and I happen to be soloing in EQ2 at the moment… but I digress. 😉

  4. I spent 3 hours chain pulling 90+ mobs by the Seal ring event to earn 62% while using xp pots. I see no difference between the SF grind and RoK grind. I get .2% exp per heroic kill with vitality… Killing 500 encounters to reach a level is not grinding… it’s wasting your time.

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