11 thoughts on “EQ2Wire Cure Potions

  1. This looks like you are placing a set of icons in a file (icon_is106.dds) and then creating a set up macros directly in the hotbar which use the icons. Is it possible to instead hand create the macros and then drag and drop them into the hotbar to avoid having to edit the hotkey file?

  2. I’m not sure how you would, using the in-game interface, use a graphic which the game doesn’t even know exists. As far as I know, you cannot drag-and-drop any old graphic onto a macro. And when Sentinel’s Fate comes out, I’ll have to move those cure pots to another file cause no doubt they’ll use those slots.

  3. The complete text to look for in your backuphotkeys.txt file is different for each person. If you search the file for these 4 numbers, it will point you in the right direction:

    1372020673, 2105175164, 4044715816, and 855760996

  4. Ok the fix for all of this is to first in step 10 change change one number. each line should read 3815 0 2, 3814 0 2, 3812 0 2, 3813 0 2. follow the rest of feldons steps as is. once u complete the 14th step this is what you also have to do. click on the hotbar in eq2 that has ur new potion icons, click hotbar settings, then check allow draggable icons. next open ur macro window by hitting the letter O. click on the “click to edit” for a new macro. next grab and drag one of the new potion icons and place it over top of the default eq2 icon at the top of the macro screen. next select command from the macro step drop down window and click add step. next type in the command line that u just added /cancel_spellcast (this will stop what u are currently casting to get a cure on u). next from the macro step drop down window select use item. now open up ur inventory and look for one of ur potions (arcane, elemental, noxious, or trauma) and grab and drag the potion to the box next to where it says “drag item here to use”. make sure to name the macro. name is up to you but for mine i used just arcane for my arcane and so on. do this and make a new macro for each pot. if you’ve done everything correct you should have 4 empty spots where ur potions were before and 4 new macros with new icons. type /loadhotkeys backup.txt into the chat window to bring ur old potion macros back. on each old potion hotkey right click and select “clear hotkey”. do this for all 4 of the old macros. once all 4 have been cleared drag ur new potion macros to ur hotbar. now you are setup with ur new potions and ready for some serious raiding.

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