8 thoughts on “Research Assistants IV

  1. LOL. This is absolutely hilarious.
    We have to go out of our way to do writs, we have to make a concerted, time consuming effort to make coin.
    Yet raiders get showered in status and plat doing something they WANT to do then throw a child’s hissy fit if something even remotely equitable is introduced. Right, the imbalance and insult is ONE master a month, not the “thousands of plat” per month gained from raiding.

  2. i know what you mean zurendor. actualy iam rider from semi hc/semi casual guild. we raid 4x week with pretty nice progress (farming trak+byzola from rok and whole tomb) but i (and 99% of my guildies) dont think that researcher is bad thing. our main templar has 2 toons (monk+bruiser) with stopped xp gain at lvl 70 and he is farming poet palace 2x times EVERY SINGLE DAY almost 2 yrs for lvl 59 unyielding benediction master spell. this spell was never seen on broker and even he is willing pay 3k plats for this, he cant coz this spell is unavaiable. so researcher is damn good idea. for those whos complaing bout it i say i dont give a flying f*ck u like or not.
    until soe give us smart loot on masters i say yea for research assistant.

  3. Hmm, well why not use Platinum as the “fuel” and the more you put in the faster the research goes, so say you want that Ice Bolt in 24 hours then you gotta shove in 400p and the research assistant will work their ass off, othewise if you don’t have much plat and can wait the research takes a week or more.

  4. You can already buy masters with plat, and there are few masters over 300p except pets, class-defining abilities etc.

    ;I think the point is, participation in the game should be required to get Master spells. Hailing an NPC and then hailing it again 30 days later and getting any Master spell you want (and being able to repeat this process 12 times a year) doesn’t make sense to me. At least require a quest.

  5. I personally like the idea of the research assistant and i dont think htat you should have to use plat as fuel. I have a lvl 80 toon but can hardly get into groups/raids because of my class. Obviously when you first start the game you dont know what is most wanted in the raids and whatnot so not everyone can do it. I dont have a million plat like everyone else seems to, and i am a bruiser. Most the master ca’s cost atleast 200 plat for me, and i just dont have that kind of plat. . . i completly agree with Zurendor’s comment, and if people dont want to just be able to hail an npc once and then hail them again in a month and then know a master then maybe they should make it use some kind of fuel, like another master you dont need. Then you could make it go faster with the research by adding the plat if you happen to be one of the many that has a billion plat. . .

    Basically by marking the masters up so high, it almost forces people to raid, or save the plat forever to just get ONE master and then start saving again. .

  6. Remember folks – this is still a concept a ways from being finalized. Everyone is getting their panties in a bunch over something that could be totally different (remember the rumors of an archeologist class that because harvest bot amenities?). Give it time.

    Any fool can acquire adept III skills easily. In most cases, the difference between that and a Master isn’t tremendous. Honestly, most people want the “fame” of being Mastered out. More power to ya, friends. In the end, there are THOUSANDS of players that are mastered out and then some. How is sharing that with a few others a bad thing? To be honest, it is not like they are stealing your money – sure, you might not get the outrageous amount being charged for masters on brokers, but if your guild is earning 1k plat per raid and you are raiding 3-4 times a week, seriously. You really need to complain with a nickel and dime?

    Yes, Masters are the biggest broker money-maker. Yes, this will hurt “some” economies, but as stated several times above, when you have more plat than god, what do you spend it on when you are already mastered out? Sounding like a bit of greed? You betcha…

    Folks, this is a game. If SOE wants to give one aspect to the non-HC players, just let it go. You can trust that there will be something out there you will be able to jones on either now or in the future that will have you forgetting this measly little “Master” complaint. Play on.

    1. Research Assistants were set in stone the moment they were announced. There was never any intention to listen to or make any changes based on the feedback. I have my sources. Unfortunately it casts a huge shadow of doubt on any other feedback threads that other EQ2 devs might create. “Is this just lip service?” will be the typical reaction to those types of threads now. It really made the development team look bad just when they need our trust the most.

      And yes, I do think MMO developers should *try* to earn the trust of some of their players. MMOs are a funny thing, and as a business, they have a higher failure rate than new restaurants, but with a much higher investment cost. Making an MMO balanced is one of the hardest things you can do.

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