29 thoughts on “SmokeJumper: What is Age of Discovery?

  1. I think it will be 39.95 for digital download, 65.99 for a ce digital download. No box will be available.

    That’s what I think, because it sounds like smoke jumper is really proud of what they have done, so were going to be paying full price.

    Oh well I will go get my tin foil hat and go crawl back into my mancave, and wait.

    he he.

  2. Age of Discovery has far more content that’s of use and interest to me than any expansion since Kunark. By the time Velious launched I was so fed up of buying expansions for the ten or fifteen percent of content I could actually use that I just didn’t bother buying it at all.

    I expect to use pretty much 100% of Age of Discovery, so if it costs the same price as Velious that will be a huge bargain for me.

  3. “…as well as letting you find great new effects for your *WEAPONS*”…

    Question: I hope SJ just misspoke, but will the Item Reforging in AoD allow us to customize *ALL* gear (armor, charms, shields ect…) with “great new effects”, or just weapons?

  4. “AoD is full of gameplay and well worth the price of admission, and we’re continuing to create content on a very regular…”

    What this really means is that they are giving you new features to interact and interface with existing content, but this expansion will have no new content.

    Call me a purist, but it ain’t an expansion unless I get to zone into someplace new like an overland zone, and explore a new part of the world. It is that simple. Sure, I can roll a BL and then go do all the same tired stuff. Sure I could hire mercs and go do all the same tired stuff. Sure I would reforge the same badly optimized items. Sure, I could have a proxy toon run some McDungeon for some new micro-currency. None of this “expansion” has me excited.

  5. Casual scrubs make up the vast majority of MMO players and thus pay the salaries of the people who make the game you believe you rule over, Gaige.

    Wake up and notice that the king isn’t wearing any clothes.

  6. Gaige wrote:

    Casual scrubs like you are ruining the game. Please stay in EQ2 when TOR comes out, thanks in advance Scrubpuss <3

    Aren’t you supposed to be playing Rift right now anyway? 🙂

    Gaige wrote:

    Whiners win. Guess I’m playing Rift afterall =x

    I will take the time to buy Rift, play it with all my old friends there and bring as many players from EQ2 as I can with me while working with LFG and Niber to turn Flames into the best Rift fansite on the net.

    EQ2 isn’t good enough to wait to come back to.

    And yet…. you’re still here. 🙂 So what do you think, six months after TOR launches and you’ll be back? 🙂

  7. Bhagpuss, I’m in the same boat. As someone who isn’t at the end game, content, everything in this next expansion is stuff I can use, which has me excited about it. Mercenaries sound fantastic for soloing/duoing through the earlier content, and new classes are always interesting to me.

  8. While I agree with some of the others that this has a lot of useful features for those not up to end game content or casual players, I still feel that it would have been better suited as a free GU or even DLC like back in the days of Splitpaw and Bloodline Chronicles. This all feels like content taht should have been added with the normal free update cycles, or maybe held off until next February with the normal Expansion release cycle and become part of a bigger, better expansion.

    Some interesting new features, just would have liked to see “more”. If I wasn’t getting AoD for free from attending fan faire, I doubt I would be bothering to pick it up myself (depending on the price). Seems like a rushed attempt to get a second “expansion” out in a single year to make a few extra bucks. I’m curious to see how this all turns out in the end.

  9. Smokejumper also posted an explanation of how they planned on doing expansions for a while as well. I didn’t post it in this article because we’ve reported it here before.

    CeJae wrote:

    Personally I think SoE’s new business model of “Pay us now, we’ll give you content later (maybe).” is insulting. How about you give us content now and we’ll pay you for it in 2013….wait, that would be absurd.

    And Smokejumper responded with:

    I can see your viewpoint, CeJae, but there are other ways to look at it.

    Normally, we would have published the extra DoV content as a separate expansion pack. In fact, the original plan was to release two expansion packs, Part 1 & 2. DoV was slated to be that “first half” and the content that we’re releasing next year was supposed to be the “second half”.

    After the release of DoV we talked a lot about what was good for the game and we realized we didn’t want to charge for the remainder of Velious. I know that sounds odd, but we seriously felt that it would be better to roll that content out as part of the initial purchase price rather than put the other half in a box and sell it. From our point of view, we are doing a very cool thing for the game this way. It’s better for players (because they keep getting more and more content for their initial purchase price) and honestly, it’s better for EQII because continuously-rolled out content is more fun than having to wait a year between content releases.

    And it’s not like we’re not doing any other content for non-DoV folks. Qeynos and Freeport are major pieces of work, and there’s even more stuff that we haven’t announced yet.

    For me, it’s just another way of doing things. They could have given us everything in AoD for free and charged us for the additional Velious content and people would be complaining about the additional Velious content not being as good as the Kunark expansion or not enough zones, not enough quests, etc. Instead, they’re trying something new and giving us the additional Velious content for free and charging us for the AoD stuff.

    For me, either way, I’d be buying a new expansion and getting all this new stuff. With their new method, it makes AoD optional for those not wanting/needing the additional stuff (raiders, for example, may require the additional AAs). Doesn’t really matter to me which part they say they’re charging for and which part they’re giving away. But that’s just me.

  10. Quoth Dethdlr: “For me, either way, I’d be buying a new expansion and getting all this new stuff. With their new method, it makes AoD optional for those not wanting/needing the additional stuff (raiders, for example, may require the additional AAs).”

    I don’t even raid, but this is the part of the package that really rubs me the wrong way.
    – I don’t care about Beastlords because I’m not going to re-roll.
    – I don’t care about mercs, though it would not surprise me if all future solo content is mysteriously replaced with duo content to require the feature (much as all solo quest rewards are now legendary quality to require EQ2X players to pay the per-item unlock fee).
    – I don’t care about reforging, which really only matters to the extent that their itemization bot can’t itemize properly anyway.
    – I don’t care about the DYOD until they let me use my real character, and the idea of paywalling it off from non-purchasers (if that’s what is happening, I still don’t understand whether this is in or out) will only hurt its uptake.

    So basically, I get to buy a second expansion in a year for an undisclosed amount of money, which will give me an AA cap increase that will consist of 49 points of passive DPS increase and one mandatory ability that content will be balanced around. Forgive my lack of enthusiasm.

    Yes, they could have repackaged the new content as part of AOD, which would have left no content for the content patches. Other MMO’s that charge $15/month manage to provide content in their patches and still have content for their expansions. (This may be easier for other MMO’s because no MMO I’m aware of other than EQ1 and EQ2 hits players up for $40 in expansion fees on top of $15/month in subs every 12 months regardless oh how little content is available for that money.)

    My solution to this is very simple. I will wait until the price of AOD comes down to a level I consider acceptable, and I will leave my subscription inactive until that time, to ensure that I am eligible for the inevitable winback promotion – if only I had canceled my account more in 2011, I would have 2000 Station cash (and a vulture mount) to defray the costs of AOD.

  11. @Gaige I can promise I will stay far away from that train wreck but will YOU promise to finally stay out of EQ2 forever unlike the last, oh, 5? times you have quit? BTW its people like you that have ruined mmos in general and I feel very sorry for the TOR community.

  12. Sadly given sheer lack of content this will be the first expansion i pass on,if as we all suspect its the full price,of course if its pitched at say £15 maybe i’ll relent but not at the full price i can wait for these “features”.

    This is a sad year for EQ2 this dev team seems unable to provide decent bug free content for its players,of course the cash cow of station cash is sated each week but to hell with the many bugs that litter the game,its a shame really Smokejumper has been bad for the game in my view clearly they just dont have the man power to deliver whats needed for the game and given EQ2 is supposed to be an SOE flagship title its a bit odd.

    If players feel this adventure pack is worthwhile then hey good on you,its your cash but,and i’ve thought this for ahwile really,to me its nothing more than a cash grab before TOR hits and hits hard EQ2 player base (and for that matter more or less EVERY mmo).

    The nonsense about DOV part 2 is ticking my nips too,its nothing more than spin trying a line that theres great stuff to come honestly is a bit like saying hold this brick while i build a house as i may need it,what no doubt will come along is a dribble of content maybe 3 LU’s a year if we’re lucky,the fanchaps will lap it up as proof of how well the dev team are doing,most though will see it as buggy content pushed through without much testing of it.

    I’m not sure where the games heading at the moment and frankly i dont think Smokejumper does either,he seems unable to focus on where or what(if he has one) his vision is for the game,aside of SC of course.

  13. If I understood all that correctly at least we aren’t having to pay for the other half of the Velious stuff. I’m kind of hoping that they borrow from last year and give fan fair attendees the option to upgrade to whatever inevitable CE there is.

  14. Good luck with that, Gaige.

    As for what AoD is, it’s a way to get more of our money in a hard economy for looking like you’re adding something to the game. Sticking the AA cap in with a lot of features most players can take or leave is a ridiculously cynical ploy to guarantee that most of the player base will buy what should otherwise be a strictly optional product.

    Fire Smokejumper in ’12. Thatisall.

  15. Honestly I’m not sure if I’ll really use the highlight features of the new expac…. but of course I “have” to buy it if I want my AA raise. That is what rubs me wrong.

    Toss the AA raise out of the mix and make it available via GU would make me happier.

  16. Do we know if were getting the aa cap rais or just mre ways to spend what we got. I remember when they were talking at that aa stuff about tradescills and it came out of your current aa stuff. I would like to knnow more about thiss aa stuff, other then they are doing something.

  17. If it weren’t for the Beastlords and AA cap raise, I too would not be buying this expansion. As it is, if it is a “full price expansion” (i.e. $40) I will more than likely wait until the new year to purchase it as I have much better things to spend my very valuable holiday dollars on. With the minimal features being offered, the purchase would simply not be valuable enough to me to warrant taking priority over other things at that price.

  18. “It wouldn’t make the accountants happy though…”

    I think the hardest part for everyone is trying to leave after having played for such a long time due to the lack of effort in what we currently have, as a business SJ is a money making dev who is willing to bleed us as much as he can( that is probably the primary set of goals in his annual review).
    What would make the biggest change would be if they fix most of the bugs they currently have in game(at least we wouldnt pick on their mistakes that often)

    We are all speculating on the price but SJ hinted a lot on his post, which would lead me to believe this expansion will not be 20$. As I said before i wouldnt mind paying 40$ for a well thought, well tested , and great release. Unfortunaly that is not whats expected from our previous experiences.

    After SJ and SOE get our money can we at least have some inprovements on server caused lag, particularly in zones like drunder where theres a lot more rendering our machines have to do, and will you finally after 5 years take a closer look at fight scripts, because memwipes, dots, curses, adds dont make a fight challenging just longer.

  19. I really wish there was some way we could all boycott AoD to send SOE the message in the manner in which they will only hear – directly affecting their income stream.

    That and firing Smokejumper! xD

  20. Yahh. I agree with the previous comments. This is the first so-called “expansion” I’m going to pass on. Seems like AoD is just another way for them to get money out of us. These “features” should’ve been free and released as updates. Seriously?! who will care about the other-half of DoV in 2013?? Sorry SoE.. gonna be too late by then for me. With all the great games releasing soon and all the idiotic bugs/let-downs coming from the dev team over the past year.. I’m not even sure i’ll continue to play EQ2. Fail. Fail. Fail. You killed EQ2 for me. Thanks!

  21. I am always grateful for new content on any game I play. Stop flaming EQ2 or you all may find yourself gameless.Calling ppl scrubs is insulting and I hope you aren’t taking on the hateful attitudes of Wow players, that’s so sad, that’s why I like EQ2, the friendly people who are playing for fun not some competion race, and a thinly veiled excuse to put down others.People are getting too mean in general…

  22. I’ve been putting in my own comments on the featured thread in this blog (I’d started one of my own before, but it didn’t generate the same momentum as this one did). While I share some of the beliefs and misgivings that many have voiced, the main concern I have is this: why haven’t they confirmed whether or not old content will be included?

    I originally asked this because I came back to EQ2 and wanted to get DoV, but decided to just wait for AoD to come out. However, I couldn’t confirm that old content would be included, even after hours of searching and then days of waiting for answers on forums, etc. It REALLY bothers me that they won’t confirm this; it reminds me of an old penny-wise and dollar-stupid boss I had, who didn’t allow employees to share what upcoming sales would feature, so customers would spend their money NOW and not wait.

    Spit it out, SOE. Seriously. Either let me know I need to buy DoV now and I will, or let me save a few bucks and get it with AoD. Either way, I, like many others, am buying AoD. By the way, happy customers spend money. I’ll most likely spend the money I save on station cash anyway. RAWR!

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