Nights of the Dead – Repeat Quest Bug

Written by Dethdlr on . Posted in Live Events

From the EQ2 Forums:

There have been several reported issues of players who are unable to get the Nights of the Dead quests from Ponchy. If you have done them in previous years, there seems to be a bug where it won’t let you get them again. While we are working on fixing this, please petition Customer Service to have the old quests removed. We greatly apologize for the inconvenience and will message again when we have this working normally.


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Comments (11)

  • Dragonhearted


    What else is new, everything they throw out is bugged, can’t even get a holiday event right /sadface, what has this game come to?


  • Zijan


    Why do we have a test server? Doesn’t seem like they test much?


  • Lempo of Everfrost


    They do plenty of testing, they just ignore most reports of what is broken shove it on live and let it fester with the rest of the bugged things they have put on. after a period they triage it based on the following.

    1. Amount of SC revenue that could possibly be generated if they fix it.
    2. How much they care to acknowledge that it is in fact broken.
    3. Will fixing it in any way hamper SC sales.
    4. The # of players affected.

    There are probably a few more but that is pretty much the order in which things are being prioritized right now.

    It shouldn’t be any shock that this event was released with multiple bugs, the spire/ring event was an epic failure (and still not completed on some servers I think) no reason that this should be any different.


  • Dharvane


    We have a test server so SOE can fokk stuff up tremendously but then tweak it down so that when it’s released to the live servers it’s only slightly fokked up. 🙂


  • melpheos


    For this one, i wont be too harsh on them for the simple reason that it would probably have been difficult to see.
    First, it’s possible that NOONE got affected by this problem on test server.
    2nd, the nights of the dead had come in summer everybody would have said : WTF ?


  • Dethdlr


    Maybe I’m remembering it wrong but didn’t this same thing happen recently with another annual event? People couldn’t get quests if they had completed them in previous years?


  • Lempo of Everfrost


    I think tinkerfest had some issues.


  • Charn


    I’m glad you reported this because I was wondering this myself. Both Wiki and Zam said the Ponchy quests were repeatable, but I could not get the quest. I just thought it was an error on the websites . . . /petition here I come . . . again . . . . /sigh


  • Lempo of Everfrost


    Not being able to get the quests marked as repeatable should not be on the players to discover it is not an obscure bug, it is a blatant one that could have been discovered by any number of devs that had ran the content before. If they are going to label a quest as repeatable one of the first things that should be tested should be getting the quest on a toon that has already compeleted it, this bug should have been discovered in-house. Same thing with the AA mirrors, you could just as easily say that they shouldn’t have caught that because they might not have a toon that has any expertise AA’s specced.
    There is no excuse whatsoever that this made it to live, still is not fixed requiring GM’s who are a limited resource as it is to be occupied with something they shouldn’t have to be dealing with in the first place.


  • Dethdlr


    I can see how this one would be a little tougher than usual to catch since it’s not a regular repeatable quest. When players did it last year, they could only do it once. It’s not until the event goes away and comes back next year that it becomes repeatable. But even then, it’s repeatable once a year. Not your standard quest.

    Even so, they should have caught it before it went live.


  • Rocky


    A friend of mine did the quest this year, but didn’t get a choice for one of the new rewards. After he had found out about the new reward from me, he looked on the forums, and he said others were not able to get the new reward as well.

    The reason I bring this up is because he was able to repeat the quest this year again without /petition . Maybe, whatever fix soe did for these people(not getting the new reward, so they made it so you could repeat it this year) is messing up other people(not getting the quest this year)?

    This would mean that this bug wouldn’t have been on test in the first place.

    (sorry for lack of evidence, all i have is word of mouth 🙁 )


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