I am thrilled to announce that EQ2U now supports Spirit Stones (green adornments) which were added with the Chains of Eternity expansion, and for which we recently received the necessary data. We hope you will find that the progression of stats on this new type of adornment is a lot easier to follow with our choice of presentation/layout.
Spirit Stone shown on a character’s equipment with stats appropriate to the Spirit Level.
Previewing a Spirit Stone at all Spirit Levels (defaults to Max).
Spirit Stone popups default to Max Level so you can compare their potential:
Here’s a mockup I created a few days before the expansion launched depicting how I thought Spirit Stones could be displayed in-game:
Wish they displayed that way. Its such a pain to figure out which ones are beter in game. Least we can look them up in EQU now 🙂
And you did something else even better then SOE did, you put the requirement to level them in the description text. I STILL at least once a day have to explain to people how to check how each adorn levels
any updates on Deathdlr’s Adornment Calc? T10 stuff, green adorns coming?
SOE can learn something here for more userfriendly tooltips. Who’s in charge of interface design over there? A guy who build North-Korean plastic cars before? 🙂
Hopefully I’ll get the adornment calculator updated one of these days. Sorry for the delay. Been busy. 🙁
Nyna .. Do not.make fun of Koreans
Not sure green adorns would really work in the calculator. They’re massive and wouldn’t fit really well in a drop down. I know I choose not to put them in the french version of it. If you want me to translate back the calculator, Dethdlr, just ask!
Glad you finally got your datas!
White Adornments won’t take long to add. As to the ~30-40 Red and Yellow adornments that are bolted onto gear and must be broken off, that’s a trickier one because how do you tell people where to get them? And the green adornments, it would only make sense to show the max level.
We’re investigating a problem where items with a green adornment are losing their Reforging info on the Character view.
thanks for the update! merry Christmas! or happy holidays!
well, there’s currently 74 reds and 96 yellows discovered but no way to tell were they come from :/
Is there a way to filter out just the lvl 90+ green adorns?
Confirmed that any item with a Green Adornment on it does not show Reforging info. We checked and this data is not being sent out with the Character record so there’s nothing we can do on our end to fix this problem. We’ll hit up SOE after the 1st of the year.