11 thoughts on “Update Notes: Tuesday, February 2, 2016

  1. Joy, still no fixes for any of the various issues on TLE server(s).. radio silence the past 2 or so weeks. Just some communication would be nice. Something to let us know they hear us and are working towards some sort of fix. just something, anything!

    1. Combine open world PVP with a PVE server? o.0 Yahhh… great idea…. till all the people who distinctly did NOT choose to play PVP leave the game because they got pissed off at the company that basically fed them to a bunch of bloodthirsty PVPers… (Who, by the way, FAR out number people who choose PVP, so would be a pretty big loss for the company that makes the game and keeps the servers running…)

    2. Not all of us pvp on this game. In fact I never have. Not everything in this game revolves around pvp, nor should it. If I want pvp I can load up my ps4 and go play some real pvp, without all the issues that come with BG;s.

      1. So then why this?:

        Terrors of Thalumbra fertilizers now have a individualized description to distinguish them from other fertilizers.

        Why make them different from other fertilizers if the guild groundskeeper gives random collectibles? Unless the things you get from the plant are different? And what about that panda thing? Why make the Thalumbra fertilizer different if it’s a random shot at any level of shiny? What am I missing?

  2. Ahhh yes – I found a guildmate had put a fathomlurker Shiny Seeker in the guild hall – I got some ToT collectables from him, but also some ToV and DoV ones.

    I have completed both signature lines, and don’t see the item in my inventory…. I’m sure I misplaced him somewhere.

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