10 thoughts on “Using the DGCIssueTracker to Improve EverQuest II!

  1. Maybe there’s hope for some of the old bugs, like the Pet arena not keeping score, rendering the items on the Pet arena merchant unattainable (unless you were here and got 1000wins/1000kills in the few months it was functioning back in 2006). The handful of us decorators that have been salivating over the unique house items there need to boogie on over and vote for that one. I already did. (Quickest fix would be to get rid of the merchant and add his items to the faction merchants or loyalty token shop, IMHO. There are bigger bugs to squash, but I would love to see something done after all these years…)

  2. Feldon wrote

    Sometimes the most effective way of putting issues in front of EQ2 developers and immediately gauging player support for your bug fix/change has required a plane ticket to Las Vegas…Players have had similar success cornering developers in the hallways and shoppes of the host hotel during said Las Vegas event.

    Feldon, are you honestly suggesting that someone would pay hundreds of dollars and travel thousands of miles suffering tremendous pain and anguish while trapped for untold hours in a non-Exit Row seat designed for a gnome-width butt and then endlessly stalk a Sr. Producer at the Pool Party – – that they would do all that just so that they could get Giant kill count added to Everquest II???

    No one in their right mind would do something as silly as that….

  3. One thing I wish they would do on the issue tracker is be more specific about what they are looking for when they mention that additional information is needed. Most people are not developers or have a testing background to know what information is needed to help solve the issue.

      1. The one I have been looking at recently was EQII-59. It went for about 2 weeks as a more information needed with just a simple is this still happening question that was later changed to ask for the same info as the forums thread that was finally linked by someone else and there has been some recent activity in it, but it has been slow coming until they announced in the patch notes that they fixed one of the memory leaks, and then has seen some new life when that actually made it worse for plenty of people.

        I was just commenting that when the issue is triaged that if it is deemed to need more information, that the specifics of what they would be looking for would be stated then.

        It looks like things are getting better in that department, as I have seen lots of recent activity along those lines. so it might be a moot point at this point and probably just needs to get to a critical mass of moderators to help things along. (I would step up and volunteer, but I can’t devote the hour a day right now that they are looking for, best I could hope for is an hour a week for the foreseeable future).

  4. Dellmon, as I recall those long flights may result in the attention from a toey female traveler. Also, 14 hour flights are for more than dev stalking. There also Feldon stalking!
    This is the most compelling reason yet for oAuth and uploading bug data to census. Where is the oAuth 2016 campaign for out of game chat, group maker, and bug tracking?

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