12 thoughts on “Kander’s Candor – Fabled Echoes of Faydwer and More!

  1. Played a couple hours this afternoon. Forearm drops are insane, blows gemmed purple gear outta the water in everything except mitigation. Don’t know whether to expect nerfs, or if its intentional

    Also, weapon damage bonus and potency arent mutually exclusive anymore, so start farming those adv solos!

    1. It is intentional. They are balancing out the power of the gear pieces. Chest and legs will be equal and stronger than the other pieces which will equate each other, that is if I remember caith’s post/irc chatter properly.

      1. It seems an odd decision for AS gear to be better then raid gear within the same expansion… especially AS gear from a free update right after a paid compaign who’s raid gear is garbage by comparison now…

  2. I’m just wondering …

    How have they decided witch dungeon to revamp? There was no poll, no voting system.

    I’m sure these are not the 3 the community would have voted for.

    1. I like Acade, but the others not so much. I would have prefered a fabled Unrest and a fabled contested Klak’Anon. That would have been awesome.

      I am dearly hoping that when they get to normal old EQ2 zones that we get a fabled Stormhold.

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