From the EQ2 Forums:
Beginning at 10:00AM PDT* on Friday, March 27th, if you redeem a $20 Station Cash Game Card, you will receive 500 Bonus Station Cash.
All $20 Station Cash cards feature artwork from Landmark:
These Landmark game cards are available in select locations of the following U.S. retail stores: GameStop, Target, Walmart, Best Buy, and Toys R Us.
But hurry! The 500 Bonus SC is only available if you redeem the $20 Station Cash Game Cards between 10:00AM PDT on Friday, March 27th, and 11:59PM PDT on Sunday, March 29th.
*PDT is Pacific Daylight Time; U.S. West Coast. Convert to your local time zone here.
Please note: Bonus Station Cash will ONLY be awarded on the redemption of a $20 Landmark card. Other Station Cash cards are not eligible for this promotion.
Lame.they could have done better
And again a kick in the ass for all not US players, SOE suckz!
Probably not their fault. Would imagine it has something to do with trade law. Looking forward to US-EU Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
Being an armchair international trade lawyer myself, trade deals negotiated in secret next to never go wrong for the citizens of the countries involved. Ack, did I say citizens? Forgive me, I meant consumers. =)
Aye, about 10 minutes of research shows that TTIP is not all its cracked up to be for the consumer – just the big companies.
After five years of subbing, tons of SC bought and so many hours played, I can now barely log in. With this past years decline, lack of people to play with and just overall apathy by the people running this game if they think anything could persuade me to pay more money for stuff I don’t want, like or need they really are out of touch. When my sub ends it will be F2P for me. Something I thought I would never consider doing.
or is this a move to remove all Landmark/EQN stuff out of DBG before they sell that game off?
At best it may just be a way to promote Landmark, or at worst get those cards off the retailer’s display? H1z1 cards anybody? =)