31 thoughts on “Update Notes: Tuesday, July 22, 2014

    1. Here’s what I would have put as the weekly feature:

      • EQ2 Quest Data is now available in Census with descriptions for each quest, stage, and branch as well as required steps and most rewards, allowing fansites like EQ2U to make Quest Journal and Quest Checklist features.
      1. This would be great if it would allow me to see what quests I hadn’t done yet. It would seriously tempt me to let my character data out into the stream (though I would seriously prefer an option to still have it “eyes only” when it reaches your site).

          1. Oh nice! As Eric mentioned, it would be amazingly cool if some features could be turned off from ‘public view’, I bet a lot more people would unhide if AAs could be hidden for example.

          1. C’mon, I sent a follow-up email to fix a typo, you think I’m going to use something like leetsauce?


      2. Sorry Feldon while that sounds like a good thing, the best ‘weekly feature’ would be an announcement that they are no longer going to label anything a ‘weekly feature’ from now on. :mrgreen:

        1. Not yet. Collection data will be made available at some point, but the next major census task will be to resolve some inefficiencies in the export process. I can’t give an estimate on when that will be unfortunately, as I have a lot of non-census tasks that require my attention.


    Tinkerfest begins 7/25!

    So the weekly feature is to let us know that a standard feature begins not with this update but a later one this week? Sometimes I think they place a dartboard in a room with possible weekly features, turn the lights off and throw a dart and see what they get.
    I suppose the title sums it up: weekly FEATURE. Every week they can either spot light something existing or add something new?

    1. I still prefer my pin the tail on the donkey analogy, but this works too. However as Rotherian and others on the forums have pointed out the inclusion of the normal calendar of events was stated in the original announcement.

  2. When they announced weekly features they said that major events would be considered a weekly feature because they have to put coding into the new quests and items.

    I’m not seeing any new models for tinkerfest, but there are new quests. They aren’t breaking their word or anything, they said it flat out.

    It’s underwhelming, yes, but I’m not going to get grumpy about it.

  3. No matter how I try to read the word “leetsauce” my mind keeps twisting it into something dirty.

    FYI: I never complain so I can hear how annoying I am. I complain so others can appreciate my skill at annoying others (for the record). I endeavour to be like a whinge Yoda; “Hate being diaper height to the younglings I am. When 900 times failing to win good loot you reach, whinge as good you will not.”

    I think this train ride home gets longer every time. LOL

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