6 thoughts on “Sept 10th Login Issues — RESOLVED

  1. You get more than 8. You get 4 for each weapon setup and at least 4 for each class you collect (40 classes to start?). They only let you use 8 at a time cause console players apparently can’t figure out how keyboards work.

    Perhaps it’ll be worth it to see those originally stylized characters who in no way resemble the cartoon cast of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. The Kerra are most certainly NOT close relatives to Kelloggs iconic cereal mascots even though they share that skyward waving “they’re ggggrreat!” emote.

    Wanting stylized but unique is simply unreasonable when making EQN look like so many others has the benefit of recognition and nostalgia; none of it for SOE, but that’s not important.

    Okay, that’s all a load of tripe…it sucks. LoL.

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