From the EQ2 Forums:
- If the quest helper is toggled off, completing your Daily Objectives will no longer toggle it back on.
Fabled Clefts of Rujark
- Corrected an issue that prevented the base population in The Fabled Clefts of Rujark from dropping loot.
- The Fabled Battleborn Bracers can no longer be equipped by scouts.
- Armbands of the Northlands once again go in the appearance shoulder slot and provide an alternative appearance to the Shoulderpads of the North.
- The Battle Bred Meatbeast can now be converted back into a mount from its plushie form.
Ok, maybe it’s just me, because other people don’t seem to have posted anything about this so far, but what the heck does
“Corrected an issue that prevented the base population in The Fabled Clefts of Rujark from dropping loot.”
mean? Are trash mobs supposed to drop loot now or have certain named mobs not been dropping loot? Please help, I’m so confuddled lol.
Sounds like there was a condition where in the ‘base population’, so likely the zone wide loot table, was broken.
base population means that trash is suppose to drop loot ie ornate chests and the like and probably obv rare chances are master spell chests