21 thoughts on “EQ2U Gear Report Version 1.1, Collapsible Groups, Epic Repercussions

    1. Good stuff Feldon & Dethdlr.
      You 2 are really making some good use of the web services that SOE is serving up.

      Thanks for the support.

      I do sometimes wish we had a full EQ2U/EQ2Wire forum. I wonder how many people would participate. I’ll confess — I do need validation for things I do. Do people like it? Does it meet people’s needs? Is there something people would rather have?

      I know people want Loot and Quests and Recipes. And the Adornment Calculator needs a revamp and maybe some integration. Just a matter of finding time and the brainpower. 😉

  1. I’m loving it. It’s gotten me to get slightly less lazy and try to “green up” all my characters to have at least 160 stamina gear. With 24 chars at L95, it’s a bit of work.

    I’d love to see some additional at-a-glance data on the gear report, maybe a separate tab for them:

    – Epic Repercussions done (glad it’s visible somewhere now, would love to make sure everyone’s done it).

    – ToFS x2 debuff done (requires quest status most likely, so not sure if it’s doable yet).

    – Spells at Master+ / total spells that could be mastered

    And, on the existing sheet, I’d love to see # of AAs spent *out of* # of AAs. That way I can tell which characters just haven’t spent AA but are already done with at least acquiring it.

    Thanks for all the updates, looking forward to seeing what the v1.1 makes me decide to work on next, heh.

    1. – Spells at Master+ / total spells that could be mastered

      It would really slow down Gear Report to load the Master spell report for each character.

      What I intend to do is improve our Character Spells view so you can view just un-improved spells. Then I’ll add a button to each character on Gear Report which takes you right to the list of spells for a character which are not Mastered.

      Another wishlist item is more granular control over which columns to display. That way we could tailor the report to only the columns we really want.

      Which columns? Even if I make it optional, I still have to add them for you to pick from. 😉

      And, on the existing sheet, I’d love to see # of AAs spent *out of* # of AAs. That way I can tell which characters just haven’t spent AA but are already done with at least acquiring it.

      Great suggestion.

      Yes, you are doing a good thing Feldon and I feel people can use it. It is just to bad its in the down cycle of the game and not in its hey day. I just hope you’ll be able to port it easily over to newer SOE games as I feel that is where your work would do the most good.

      We intend to use EQ2U as a starting point for EQNU or EQ3U or EQWhateverU. 😉

  2. Looking good, guys. I like the adornment integration into the gear report.

    For the mainstat, it could be useful but I’d like to see it as an option, rather than a total swap.

    Another potential option would be a CB+Potency (or average, so basically that /2) field. That’d account for differences for classes preferred stat while still giving a good measure of overall power.

    Another wishlist item is more granular control over which columns to display. That way we could tailor the report to only the columns we really want.

  3. This really is great stuff. EQ2u is probably my most visited site lately. As a developer myself I understand how much effort you guys must have put in to this. It’s very much appreciated.

  4. Yes, you are doing a good thing Feldon and I feel people can use it. It is just to bad its in the down cycle of the game and not in its hey day. I just hope you’ll be able to port it easily over to newer SOE games as I feel that is where your work would do the most good.

  5. @lempo, I did help feldon a lil bit with some of this. We do work together to get stuff done. No need for competition in this small of a community.

    @drax, Dragon’s Armory already has support to show some of the things you requested in the Group Comparison tool. However, the ToFSx2 debuffs seem to be only exported in Census for the mages. Feldon and I we’re looking at that this afternoon. If/when they get it in, it’s an easy addition just as I check for Singular Focus.

  6. You did an excelent job on the gear report. All this is looking way better then what i made (which is what errorr showed you)
    As for the main stats it might be nice as an option.
    Dont know if it was suggested to have a way to see if all gear is adorned or rather if gear is missing adorns including white adorns.

    Have i mentioned you guys did an excelent job.

    1. Dont know if it was suggested to have a way to see if all gear is adorned or rather if gear is missing adorns including white adorns.

      I just added this. Switch over to the “Stats” tab and then mouseover the Adornment summaries for White, Yellow, Red, and Greeen. You may need to Ctrl-F5 a couple of times to get the new Javascript tooltips to load.

      Thanks again to Dedith for the tooltip code. 😉

  7. Been enjoying using this tool so far. I would like to be able to remove people from a gear group. I added a friend in and unfortunately added someone else because it was named similarly, and can’t get rid of it now.

  8. Thanx, you’ve done such a great job!!

    One thing is still missing, but I don’t know if it’s possible or not. It’s the real stat value for crafted and experimented items. So far, it displays only values for the base item and it may be confusing (and frustrating to see an ugly red box where it should be green 🙂 ).

    Thanx again and keep up making our player-life easier.

    1. a list of active quests

      I want quest data so bad. Being able to see what Quests you are on (and maybe Recommendations) would be the #1 page on EQ2U I think.

      One thing is still missing, but I don’t know if it’s possible or not. It’s the real stat value for crafted and experimented items. So far, it displays only values for the base item and it may be confusing (and frustrating to see an ugly red box where it should be green ).

      We technically get Experimented items, but Refined is still a mess. I’ve got a request in with SOE to get it fixed.

      I would like to be able to remove people from a gear group.

      You can add/remove characters from a Character Group by clicking My Characters (the link, not the triangle) at the top.

  9. You make it so much easier maintaining an army of alts.

    Not sure if its exported/possible but a list of active quests in the journal for a character would be most helpful now. It’s sometimes hard to remember which toons have not completed a quest I am working on

  10. I have an idea or 2….

    can you show the adorn that is in the slot on mouse over on the gear report? …. not sure how much work this would be or how much it would slow it down.

    is there a way in the Adornment Calculator to have it pull adorn data and cross reference it with gear slots. if you can set up the script to do this and have a level restriction then it would work for all adorns, all slots and all levels. I just dont know if all of the data is in there in a way to use it like this.

  11. It would really slow down Gear Report to load the Master spell report for each character.

    I have a pretty quick way coded already if you want, it makes no additional calls to census. Email me if you want to take a look at it.

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