From the EQ2 Forums:
Cobalt Scar
- End line collection rewards have been slightly improved and now have an additional effect.
- Absorb Magic will no longer be outright resisted.
- Cuss will no longer be outright resisted.
- Tease will no longer be outright resisted.
- Serene Symbol will no longer be outright resisted.
- Scourge will no longer be outright resisted.
- Unswerving Hammer’s damage now properly applies to epic targets.
- Mind’s Eye is now a toggle ability and will grey out when active.
- Trade skill Apprentice daily mission recipes will no longer auto delete from your crafting book when you turn in the mission for a reward.
- Trade skill Apprentice daily crafted quest items now stack and can be sold back to a merchant for a very small return.
- [eq2u]Blessed Rhenium Claws[/eq2u] and [eq2u]Imbued Rhenium Claws[/eq2u] are now Beastlord usable.
- [eq2u]Orcish Axe of Champions[/eq2u] is now correctly labeled as a Great axe rather then a Great sword.
- [eq2u]Soldier’s Legplates[/eq2u] will now show their correct appearance.
- Finding Hope – Quest journal text has been edited to relieve confusion.
- Clues of the Curse – Map section for finding the inanimate bones is more specific.
•Trade skill Apprentice daily crafted quest items now stack and can be sold back to a merchant for a very small return.
Finally! Woot!
I can has my house vault space back!!! <3
I’d given up doing the dailies as I have too many crafters and couldn’t face going to each toon vault, emptying them out and restocking with the new type, nice change!
•Mind’s Eye is now a toggle ability and will grey out when active.
Passive and persists through death?
So happy to see the tradeskill changes. Now if they would only let my tinkered items stack.
Hmmm – “very small return” – I guess it’s better than nothing – wonder how small. And I guess it’s a good thing I was too lazy to destroy them 🙂
Assassin’s Mark should have been on the not resisted list =/
Nice change. I kept seeing it available to cast and casting it again even though it was still running. Kept thinking it had been dispelled or something.
Fix the assassins Mark Ability and the summon arrows ability that still shows it’s not cast even though it’s always consistent now
So I’m thrilled that the TS apprentice crafting items stack, saves a lot of room for me. However I was less thrilled when I went to sell the old ones, my gh merchant wants to buy them for 1c. There is over 6g invested in each one (tier 9) for fuel. Seems like you should make your fuel costs back similar to other craft items sold to merchants.
Very small return indeed… I get 1 copper. It wasn’t worth the time to zone to find a merchant.
Really Caela? An entire 1 copper?
I’d say that’s a “very small return” indeed. As in,why the hell bother?
1 copper makes complete sense. When you’re using about 1p in fuel, and considering the plat farming changes, they want to make sure not to upset the new economy they created.
What is the benefit of 1c price over NO-VALUE?
I posted a thread on the forums, and apparently I’m the only one that thinks 1c is ridiculous. Apparently, it’s easier to sell it to a merchant for 1c than to right click and destroy. /rolleyes
I was hoping to get some of my investment back… Ideally the total fuel cost – I’m not looking to make money – but even 1/2 or 1/4 would be “small return” – 1c is just stupid, and frankly insulting.
•End line collection rewards have been slightly improved and now have an additional effect.
What collections are these exactly? I’ve checked my CoE collection rewards and they’re unchanged. Are they SG colletions?
Yes, it would be nice to get fuel back but honestly I am not surprised that we don’t. It’s not like you have to make dozens of extras.
The Notes do say Cobalt Scar collections, not Chains of Eternity…
Tides of war:
\aITEM 1365659027 1129139338 0 0 0:[Tavalan Clutch of Contention]\/a
\aITEM -1794627630 1660916346 0 0 0:[Tavalan Clutch of Destruction]\/a
\aITEM 1522026522 -301595214 0 0 0:[Tavalan Clutch of Censure]\/a
\aITEM -67303215 694951082 0 0 0:[Tavalan Clutch of Umbra]\/a
why is the damn priest ethereal having same damn buff as waist ethereal and by doing this insanity to get colleciton quest you actually get worst waist item than you even can buy for 1000p currently.
kinda funny..
* correction to above:
“get worst neck ethereal”
Sorrry got typo there.
I’m happy just to be able to sell them back to a merchant and not have to destroy them all individually. now all they need to so is add a one copper value to the pesky DM drops!
Now if they made the DM items stack as well as vendor, I might not immediately destroy them upon them being round-robinned into my inventory.