6 thoughts on “Update Notes for May 14, 2013

  1. You could say that, but things like ‘click to cure’ were right in non default UIs on day one of the GU. I would be ashamed as a SOE developer to have some guy in his ‘spare time’ do better than me.

  2. have they just stopped all together with the Test Server? it have not received any update notes since 4/29. Are they just not testing the Live Updates Or are they just not posting that they are using the test server for testing?

  3. Maybe they are *gasp* doing more internal testing, and not throwing stuff out to a test server/community, see if doesnt catch fire after 24hours, push to live.

    their recent forays into “micro betas” using their fancy live tweak tools, maybe their need to have some isolated “not quite real, but still a semi-populated production server” be their vanguard is coming to a close?

    theyve been largely (but not entirely to their rare credit) ignoring any feedback and issues that were coming out of it, so why bother with pre-releaseing there at all?

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