5 thoughts on “EverQuest II, EverQuest Next Teams Looking for Coders!

  1. SOE also seems to release people on a cycle, so it would be a great job till it launches, and then poof, no more job.

    That may be the dumbest chit I’ve read in the comments on EQ2Wire in a long time, and you’ve got competition.

    This is not Electronic Arts. Most people coding at SOE have been there 5-10 years. EverQuest II has gained developers over the years, not lost them. And as needed, devs do get moved around. For example, Rothgar moved to head up EQNext. Josh “Autenil” K. hopped over to Clone Wars Adventure to help launch it. Now he’s chipping in on EQNext. Zoltaroth who is current lead dev of EQ2 has been with the company for 7 years. Two of the other devs on EQ2 have been there 8 and 12 years respectively.

    If you have no idea what you’re talking about, feel free to ask for someone to clarify for you. It’s one thing to bitch endlessly. It’s another to make up your own facts which are easily disproven by Linkedin searches or, you know, just looking at the game credits.

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