On Beta, Protector’s Realm, Shard of Hate, and other Kunark/SF zones are dropping a lot less plat. This has launched a 20 page thread with a lot of rage and arguments.
Well, I have just spoken to Kander and there is a lot more to the situation than just nerfing PR and SoH. People should be able to do CURRENT content and get more than enough plat to buy their consumables. People will be able to acquire plat from CURRENT solo, group, or raid zones.
Article tomorrow!!
If people have enough time to do 5 of the daily statue quests in Kael for 7p a pop, and Master spells cost 300p on broker … then it will take a week and a half to have enough plat to buy one Master, not including all the other consumables that may be needed.
This is only going to hurt new players, since people who are already established and have 100kp won’t even bat an eye at SLR prices.
You’ll be able to get plat from Adv Solo, Group, or Raid zones.
Oh, and that doesn’t even take into account the Sublime Dislodger at 1kp, and people who don’t raid.
I don’t recall seeing any quests in modern zones that come close to providing adequate plat output.
Pretty simple, farming plat for Kronos = bad.
Less plat = good for SOE
Why change or do anything to PR? It has no reliance to current game content. All it does is provide a bit more plat for ppl that don’t farm loot, rares, and crafting for plat. Just let it be….
What feldon? Are you totally nuts or what? Able to get plat from adv. Zones,grp, and raid?LOl…half the server don’t raid and the solo zones gives what,a whole plat per completion? And grp zones, yes that’s just what i want todo….split a whopping 5 plat with 5 others…soe is just hell bent on taking every bit of fun and little extra things like this away..if it goes through,i for one will be looking for s new game
The amount of coin from current zones is being boosted substantially.
This is an absolute terrible plan on soe’s part . I know folks that level lock to do current content . and I know some that don’t have the latest expansion . Sony says they are trying to not trivialize older content and not create a race to 95 , but that is exactly what they are doing. They are creating a situation where only folks that play all the time or raid can acquire the needed plat to sustain their characters. repairing your gear from a wipe in an old raid zone will cost more than the 1 plat you’ll get from the chest. Those that have an elite merc … itll cost half of what youll make in PR just to summon it , and almost all if you forget to disband your merc before looting the chest.
Boosting plat from current chests does not help those that are leveling their first toon or have level locked , they need plat to purchase the items off the broker just like the rest of us.
Did you really use “elite merc” and “level lock” in the same paragraph?
If you are truly level locking, then you get over 150 platinum from doing the ~400 quests in Rise of Kunark, and easily that much from the Sentinel’s Fate and Shadow Odyssey overland quests. And if you are truly level locking and taking 6-8 or more players into PR, realize that with this change, each player gets about 2 plat per named or 14 plat for the zone. No, it’s not 150p but it’s more than enough plat at level 80-85.
I have 1700p in the bank entirely from selling dropped masters, collectibles, and rares. I run PR maybe once a month.
bottom line, SoE cares little about its player base. everything that players enjoy they kill. its simple, they better up the plat enough, if not.. its game over for eq2.
I would be very happy to see plat drop from the current zones. I only use PR to pay for the needs of my alts and if I can do the current content to do the same I am happy.
ON a side note, SOE Sucks at communications.
If they do this the right way it will be good.
SF was great we ran the zones frequently, the dailies, the weeklies of course they just completely forgot about the missions, hopefully this ‘soltion’ they have is genuine and will encourage running the content.
This means that no one with a free or silveraccount can sustain their own playtime – horrible idea. Yeah, i can *maybe* survive at what they throw into the solodungeons but you know what? I don´t want to farm them over and over for say 10 plat per zone, i´m already tired of them (moreso that im tired of the old raidzones tbh)…. *sighs* Way to go SOE, I followed the rollercoaster of SWG to the end, I jump on the EQ2 train again and first PSS1/Pro 7 sat for us EU players, then this approx a year later.
“can´t sustain their own playtime” … Sorry, early morning in Sweden.
I think you are totally wrong here. Most of the people paying the real dollars for Krono are doing it to sell them to aquire Plat.
The people farming Plat buy them to get a true F2P experience.
When you will no longer be able to farm enough plat to buy them Sony will loose real dollar sales.
I realize that we don’t know all the details yet, but this is quite concerning to me.
For one thing, I’m afraid this will only widen the gap between raiders and non-raiders.
Furthermore, I worry that SoE underestimates the cost of playing. The other day I decided to do a complete overhaul and reforge all my gear and I must have spent 75 plat on one character. And then of course there’s obol gear @ 25 plat a pop. Alts are pricey as it is. This is without even mentioning prices on the broker.
Also, I get bored doing the same content over and over, so it’s nice to have a reason to go back and run old raid zones. I think it would be nice for there to be some sort of reward for more old raid zones actually. Any idea how hard it is to get a group to go back and run Emerald Halls? No plat there, and it’s still pretty hard.
I don’t use Krono but I think this will kill it for a lot of ppl… is that what Sony is trying to do?
Its a good move in my opinion because it fixes an area of bad game design, having to go back to the same old content over and over to get vastly more plat for the same difficulty is definitely bad, and the repetition encourages burnout.
It will be nice to see chests brimming with plat that (occassionally) drop in new content actually being sought after, I just hope we don’t see a huge wave of plat inflation again though.
The only thing wrong with this change is it should have been done 3 or 4 years ago. Better late than never.
I´m sad for the EQ2 community today… ah well, i´ll read the post in the evening but yet again – it won´t get them more customers by doing so, only less. and the revenue won´t increase, it will go down.
I’m sick of having to run PR to buy Masters anyway.
about time they fix this Plat exploit.
Gardon said:
Excellent post.
This alone sums up why Rise of Kunark zones like Shard of Hate & Protector’s Realm mustn’t have their platinum rewards nerfed.
Keeping content open for those without other expansions & higher level characters is a must for game design integrity.
End of story.
This should have been done years ago. The number of people running PR solo for Plat is silly, and simply encourages in-game inflation.
Well done SOE for this – better late than never.
As for the post above stating “Boosting plat from current chests does not help those that are leveling their first toon or have level locked , they need plat to purchase the items off the broker just like the rest of us” – well, sorry, but I call BS on that. Until you get to 80+ there is no requirement or need to buy anything whatsoever from the Broker. It simply is not required. You will get enough Gold (maybe even a Plat or two) on the way to buy food/drink/ammo, also to sustain a Merc, and frankly that’s all you need.
This change will hurt me. I don’t really care about the most recent content. What I really enjoy is creating and leveling alts. I have enough level 95’s where I can run PR a few times a month to buy a krono for my two accounts.
The people selling the krono’s don’t care that I had to farm PR for the platinum. They just care that their Krono was purchased for that they wanted. Now I’m not sure if I will be able to maintain 1 account on gold let alone 2. That’s 2 less krono per month that someone will be selling and $30 bucks (or whatever it costs) less that Sony will be making.
Hopefully they are smart enough to reduce the cost of guild halls and amenities. I run pr just to pay upkeep on my alt guild hall. So if they are reducing plat they need to take the cost into account as well.
As far as to what I read you can’t afford and account, I am like wow just get a multi month subscription and ease your pain. If you cant afford 1 gold account something is way wrong with your living arrangements.
I think it will be a boon for casuals who don’t have time, gear, the right class and/or connections to run PR or SoH solo/molo/duo/trio when they can get more plat by actually playing current stuff instead of farming old stuff.
If you level lock, well then everything is cheaper, so what?
It does not matter one bit if it’s “required” or not. That is a playstyle and a completely personal decision and absolutely no one else’s business. I am one of “those people” who decks my alts out with the best items each tier as they level up. It’s my playstyle. It’s my choice. If it’s not your playstyle, that’s fine, but don’t try and dictate to others how they should play.
This change will only be beneficial to those doing current tier content. Those players who do not have the current expansion or who do not have level 95 characters will not benefit.
Let me see if I understand this correctly. You deck out your alts with the best items each tier as they level up. And doing so for characters under level 95 requires the plat that drops out of x4 raid zones like PR?
Dethdlr have you checked broker prices lately? Most Legendary gear for a lvl 30 for 5~10pp.. Its all about muting.. check out the lvl 6 stuff and lol…
this quote basicly sums up why this change is happening now. SOE want to get more players to buy the curent expansion and future expansions.
Yes, and the reason things are so damned expensive is because of the inflation caused by the flood of plat into the economy from people running T8 raid zones several times a week, on several alts.
Says you! It couldn’t be that things are more expensive because people are not making MILLIONS of plat? There may be a FW that make millions but a majority do not…
While they care about our plat (…) i miss the ability to see a wealth leaderbaord like with the old eq2 website.
Telling order without number… (except once when they “soe” the code and remplaced name by value (number of plat) =P
Still it’s always nice to see where you fit (wealth) in top 100, i really miss this.
(and the leaderbord of guy with the most master, or recipe) but that’s another story.
I still have a bad fealing about this, when i see advenced solo is overfarmed for fabled, i hope they ll not put too much cash in CoE, either in Raids (they got more than enough cash from SLR) or remove SLR abiltity 😉 (i can dream … hard).
!!! Not enough plat is better than too much plat. (i bet krono will be at 5000 plat soon)
next step… plat overflow, it will be PR everywhere. The vendor loot at 3 plat each was decent enough… perhaps 20% more not much.
XP :
I feel more important current content must give best xp AND loot. Dont forget xp 😉 Bored to go xp in sebilis each time i have to due to quest and solo mobs are so so low in CoE.
I was merely giving examples of different scenarios that according to ones specific playstyle this will have a negative impact . I personally race to 95 and then begin to gear up , others do not as they plan on going slow and enjoying the questing experience.
No a person doesn’t have to buy glowies on the broker or occasionally splurge on things that isn’t required but would improve their toon , but it surely makes them feel better about the game if they can do these things once in a while .
No one wants to feel broke in the game.
Well its time for me to grind all my alts on those zones to stock up.
Already got 200,000p on me from various alt fighters lol. Sucks to be the new guy in the game who will never acquire that money. GG SoE
People say “never acquire money” for new players. Thing is, it is possible to have a starter toon and make good plat as you level up. I’ve done this with my own alts: selling collectibles and items for muting. My most recent alt, a L43 BL, has made over 100p on broker that way. Many of the lower level collectibles go for high prices.
Questing is a good means of coin, roughly around the 40’s is where the coin begins to come in. By the time you hit the 50’s-60’s, you’re making about 5p or so just on quests and body loot alone after a few hours questing. That’s how I’ve made my 3100p and change, running nine alts thru content.
I know there’s the impatience…get to the end, get to where everyone is and play in the big pool. If one takes the time, plat can be had from the start.
The same people that complain about the inflated prices on the broker are the same people complaining about the mechanisms or changes to stave off the price increases.
I think the game needs more ways to take our plat. There should be at least as many ways to take our plat as to give us plat.
I try to do my very small part to reduce inflation by focussing my money making efforts on getting plat from other players rather than directly from the game. I’m like a “carbon footprint” hipee, but with inflation, “inflation footprint”.
Players holding gazillions of plat are helping our inflation. My game economic fear is what happens when these players that have been holding a gazillion plat suddenly decide to buy up all the resources.
The idea that plat flowing into the economy faster than it exits causes inflation should not be that hard of a concept to grasp.
This is total BS im very busy with raiding , bg farming , leveling my last toon , crafting to 95 . i DON’T have time to worry about how else i am going to rebuild my plat . hell my main alone takes 7 to 9 plat for 1 damn drink .
There are alternative ways to get plat than PR and SoH. My paladin had 1500pp when Kronos were released, and that was before I knew about PR and SoH (yes, i really didn’t know). I only had 50pp when Sentinel’s Fate launched. All of my money came from the group dungeons i ran once a week. I now make quite a bit of money just by selling my old gear as I upgrade it in CoE raids.
They should instead take 10% of the savings of the highest depositors like Cyprus.
I guess the slogan soe and smoke up his *** jumper shouting to anyone that would listen “play your way” is just promotional.
Here’s the biggest problem. There is still an incredible amount of money in-game. There are people who are sitting on 100,000-1,000,000 plat. Broker fees, repairing armor, mercenary fees, lotto (obsolete now) are all premises to deduct money out of the economy. Those are all too small to even make a mark or a dent on the inflation of money in the servers.
How about instead of concentrating on just releasing crap on SC, why not place that stuff out on merchants for us to spend our money on?
You closed the floodgates, but the town is still flooded. Now SoE is just going to be stunted as SoE refuses to drain the water.
Really other the buying raid loot what do you need more then a few K plat for. Nothing but now well hear that means I can’t go buy my raid gear and stomp all over Heroic zones in it. So don’t buy it go earn it. Then well here well we can’t get enough people to raid to be able to earn it ourselves. Well if half the people who are out there buying raid gear got out there you would have more then enough.
What do you mean go earn it? How many ppl do you think can actually 1) Get invited to a decent Raid Guild….2) Get the drop they need while in the raid..? Its hard to get into a decent RG for one because they expect you to have the gear / stats to be able to function but if you had that you wouldn’t need the gear! Its just stupid. I use to run PR every so often and not just to sit on the plat but to buy the masters when they were cheap enough and get the gear to be able to function in BG. Havent done a PR in months and not because I had 1 gazillion plat I had 100p maybe on 2 toons. Now that I need more plat I have to go play 400quests???!!!
Most raid gear that is sold via SLR is all easy mode stuff. I’m in HM gear at this point so thats a moot point. Only ones that care about EM stuff being aunctioned are the raid forces that think wiping Altar as some accomplishment.
Oh and I spend the plat on kronos, SC cards, rare collectables and dropped mounts that hardly ever hit. If people want to spend 20k on an extremely rare dropped mount, who am I to judge?
This has my vote, about time SoE did something about this.
It will make current content more desirable. The first step is to stop the inflow of plat into the economy, second is to address what is currently there. Rome was not built in a day people.
People just hate stuff being taken away from them. I never had a problem earning plat before max level, just doing the quests, selling the shinies / rares would make me more than enough. So the price that people are willing to pay for these items is likely to decrease but it’s all relative.
Who knows, SoE’s plan to increase plat drops in current content might mitigate the potential crash that people say is coming. Contrary to popular belief, the shy is definitely not falling.
Really? You know the only ppl that had a bunch of plat were the ones running the raids! No average player was ever eable to buy the loot from raid drops. Have you seen the prices??? 1500p for this yadda yadda OH OH 2500 for this Badda Badda! I would look at that and think lol Yea right no ones gonna….SOLD TO WHATCHAMACALLIT! Grats Dude! My jaw remained dropped for 30 secs! Here I am with my 40p on maybe 4 of my toons and this is from PR and is only for the occasional gear upgrade or adept spells ( don’t even think about maters from the broker forgetaboutit) And don’t you dare say go get em. It will be back to the circle of elites. Oh you can run with this guild they run this raid where your masters and gear drop all the time…RL umm do you have this gear do you have these stats (which you would only have from this gear) not to mention can you play at this time for this raid to be able to ROLL with 8 players for this gear? SOE has hurt the Newbie and Smacked the middle man Hard with this one while trying to tame the ELITES who are just laughing at them while they take snapshots of their 100k plat in bank! Read the comments to see those with the plat saying oh well I don’t care besides im in a top end RG and will continue to sell loot for 1500 at a 3 man split!
This does nothing more then kill my alts. Hope you like groups of people wearing rags again!
I have thought on this for weeks and cannot find a win in this nerf for anyone, SOE included. If there is a concern about too much plat in the economy, change the reset timers on the zones. Huge changes like this always end up having unforeseen consequences. I really fear this will be the beginning of the end for EQII. Just as it had become the best MMORPG in my opinion. SOE made a similar huge change when I was playing SWG and it turned into EQ in space. I think this is Fonzi’s shark jump!!!
Way too many people have become comfortable with the plat farming, I’m gonna be sad when they all give up. When the mines close down that is when the vibrant community turns into the “ghost town”. History doesn’t lie!
Better think this one through a bit, SOE. Big mistake . . . I will survive but I personally know scores of players who are dependent on this to not only play the game but to enjoy the game. Server populations are already declining as it is and it isn’t because of plat farming, again its lack of content and content that never is fixed until right before the next batch is ready to roll out. I don’t want to be taken as a whiner just exactly what I see while grouping, raiding, crafting and relaxing. I do it all! Even run a guild.
Panamon (butcherblock)