7 thoughts on “Krono Not Purchasable on Broker

  1. Oh I take that back now that I think about it. I couldn’t buy the top one I got that error, but if I just bought the second one in the list instead it worked fine. No camping needed it was right there in my inventory.

  2. The problem is a bit more complex than this. I have managed to purchase krono since the change. It appears that only krono placed on the broker before the change are affected. However, the problem for those krono is worse. When you try to remove a bugged krono, your krono counter is set to 0. Fortunately, this can be corrected by logging out and back in. However, the krono that were withdrawn are lost. Customer service was helpful to me when this happened, and I’m sure they will do likewise for anyone else that is affected. I just hope they fix this soon, because the market is totally screwed up right now.

  3. Remove ALL kronos you have on broker on ALL your character since before the problem, when you are at last character with Kronos -> restart game, then log in to each character individually and put the Kronos out on broker again. Seem to work for those i´ve asked to try it.

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