As part of SOE’s very public efforts to stop cheating in PlanetSide 2, SOE is instituting more detection code into its Launchpad to try to stop troublemakers. Apparently some of this code has not been isolated to PS2 as a number of players of SOE games including EverQuest, EverQuest II, and Wizardry Online have all found themselves having trouble logging in. The culprit? A popular virtualization software called VMWare which allows PC users to run more than one instance of Windows (for keeping work and play separate, or for running multiple game instances), or in the case of Mac...
Day: February 22, 2013
image courtesy Suzita Star Shadow Are your bags out of control? Do you spend hours each week just sorting your inventory? Next week, we’ll be getting some tools which will greatly facilitate this drudgery. From Colette “Dexella” Murphy talks with Kenneth “Terrogaunt” Roecks about the new inventory abilities that will be launched with the update! Colette “Dexella” Murphy: Players have already heard a little bit about bag sorting during the Podcast, but let’s recap. How does the new bag sorting feature work? Kenneth “Terrogaunt” Roecks: The sorting process is essentially grabbing all of the items from your inventory and...
On February 21st, SOE Podcast #143 was posted and it includes a brief interview between Colette “Dexella” Murphy, EQ2’s Community Manager, and Kyle “Kander” Vallee, EQ2 Lead Designer, Brian “Omougi” Ferguson, EQ2 Systems Design, and Kenneth “Terrogaunt” Roecks, EQ2 Programmer. After the jump, we provide a transcript of the EQ2 part of the Podcast including: Wurmbone Crag: Nox Incessit [x2 Normal and Challenge Raids] Dreadcutter: The Pirate Kings [x4 Challenge Raid] Bag Sorting — one-click sort bags by Level or Name into 14 categories PvP Balance — continued tweaks PvP Blue Adornments — new slots PvP Guardian — buffed! confirmation...