SOE servers are currently undergoing some unscheduled maintenance which is affecting logins to EQ2 and other SOE games.
From EQ2’s Facebook page:
We are currently doing some unscheduled maintenance that is affecting logins. We anticipate it done shortly and appreciate your patience.
UPDATE: EQ2 Players seem to be able to log back in, however the StationCash Marketplace seems to be unavailable at this time.
Great. Sunday afternoon, chores done, getting dark outside, time to logon for some quality grinding. But nope, not to be. This is REALLY REALLY ANNOYING.
Yup it managed to kick me out while zoning never mind logging. Thx Sony, looks like I will be catching up on chores.
I concur. This IS kind of bs. I managed to have one character already in but that doesn’t do me much good unless I want to grind alchemy from 32 to 95 right now. Hmm…where was that rusty spoon I was planning to gouge my eyes out with?
Try now! Just got in.
Try it, see if it works for you. I just logged into Butcherblock, just fine.
Well there goes that. Don’t zone if you haven’t already.
Dang I wanted to skip church but I guess I’m going now.
I still can’t log in with my account that has an authenticator, but my other account that I’ve not attached the authenticator to is able to log in just fine.
I can’t log in still. 🙁 I’ve got two accounts, one with an authenticator and one without and neither will log in.
Authenticator login is still broken. =[
Now my account without an authenticator can’t log in again.
yep kicked out zoning, and bam invalid login. WTH we had enough downtime the past few days. UGGG!!!