22 thoughts on “Game Update 64: Qeynos Reborn Update Today

  1. Why bother hunting Hex if Doz drops a BP now? He’s a hell of a lot easier.

    And, way to rob raiders of the achievement to open PoW. People won’t be able to experience that satisfaction anymore; the accomplishment is just as desirable as farming the gear inside. It’s the journey, the struggle, not the destination.

    Silly game developers losing sight of game design principles. If it was so difficult to open PoW, then maybe there was a problem with the difficulty … or the gear from which you expected us to succeed with.

  2. That chick on the new splash page is way uglier than Firiona Vie. Is that Antonia Bayle’s new model? Way to turn off gamers; we want to stand at salute the second the game launches.

  3. @Vortix

    Just because PoW is open doesn’t mean that everyone will jump straight there. I still see guilds on the Unrest server that level lock themselves at 70 to advance through KoS and EoF raids. I currently have my main running the old RoK raid progression timeline. What does it say about my paladin when he can’t solo Venril Sathir at 92 with the SS Inquisitor merc?

  4. The reforger in qeynos apparently works according to several people.
    I guess breaking the one in Freeport is their way of forcing you to ‘consume’ the new content whether you want to or not.

  5. @Vortix

    This has been wanted for almost a year now. The PoW restriction was silly in the first place.

    Also it doesn’t matter anyways since if there’s a first Server kill for all demigods, then everyone on the server may enter POW. At this point, most servers killed them already.

  6. I don’t see how hex is harder then Doz. All you gotta do for hex is know when to have singular focus / stop AEing , and when not to. Doz there are jousts, adds, and cures.

  7. The target casting bar is now blinking rapidly as it is apparently now showing mob combat arts as well as mob casting. This makes it hard to time those big nasty AEs when the mob is also doing professional abilities because the casting bar gets reset & clears after the CA completes most of the time.

  8. I said most people. Most as in the Nordic countries where it is mandatory to learn English, also the Netherlands, Ireland, most of Eastern Europe and oh, what’s that country…mmmmyeah – The U.K.

    Weather you like it or not, English is an global language, even so in Europe. Period.

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