8 thoughts on “PvP Changes Slip From Game Update 63

  1. How often has sony broke promises, and missed deadlines recently. This shouldn’t be a surprised considering how quiet they have been about PvP. At least they came out and said it, that’s a improvement, right?

  2. Cant say that I’m shocked it takes time to review the small vocal minorities responses for pvp changes to be implemented how else would we have gotten gear seperation and unlocked city pvp ruleset..not like they actaully listen to the whole community just a few who respond with idiotic wishes for pvp changes funny thing is many tend to be the most blatant violators of the eula and pvp rules so who cares at this point.

  3. This is like going to FanFaire without spending the money. They give the same answers there:

    We will certainly look into that.
    We are working on that.
    We have not been able to reproduce that, but are aware and.. will keep working on that.


  4. Not at all surprising.

    What they do or don’t do for PVP will never change my game (or so they’ve said) but it really is ridiculous for PVP concerns to have been ignored as long as they have.

    They decided to offer the playstyle. They should support it or end it.

  5. PvP is obviously a complicated mechanic that requires almost 3 years to update in anyway, it is completely understandable and acceptable to be wearing the same gear in DoV part 2 as in Sentinels Fate. Personally, I hope that when EqNext comes out, I am able to cross over my Sentinel’s Fate gear, because by then, I will be so attached to the crap, I doubt I’ll be able to imagine myself in anything else.

  6. Open city PVP is the greatest change SOE ever made to PVP. And it was made by mistake. Any intended and no doubt terrible change they push out will only take a few more months! Promise!

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