15 thoughts on “Update Notes for January 5, 2012

  1. I hope they realize the TD zoning issue is not just in Mok Rent – I experience it going from the guild hall, my house, or zoning in from the bell. I crash nearly every time I zone in TD with numerous restarts, validation of files, etc before it lets me in. I avoid TD now.

  2. Mine is level 40, I have not upgraded any spells and have quested gear, much of which is 10 levels below me .. in spiritual stance with a bard merc I can solo most of Runnyeye. Yep, overpowered, but it’s fun while it lasts.

  3. Wow! The Executive Producer of the game with so much of the content in a half-broken or totally broken state is on vacation. I guess as long as the SC shop is generating a certain level of revenue then his performance is ok.

    If your ship is in order fine take a vacation, the holidays are over though, and the ship is far from being in order and someone really needs to get back to work and start focusing on fixing things that are broken.

  4. That extra 2 weeks is 2 weeks longer, that is a bad way to look at it, that is what they seem to do ‘next week we will fix that’ but next week never comes. It is the image it portrays, there is little left to the imagination at this point though. I have 4 quests now that I am in a holding pattern on because of content that is broken, some for several months. EQ2players still not up and not a word said since they have came back about the status. The level of disconnect amongst that team is baffling, no one has a clue as to what the other is doing, saying or fixing.
    They really need to do some priortizing based on level of impact of gameplay.
    The non-stop influx of station cash trash needs to stop, I know the animators are not coders, but they can sure as hell do some testing because it is apparent that they are either not testing things or whoever is testing them is ‘phoning it in’ there is just no other explanation.

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