22 thoughts on “This Week in EQ2: January 1-7, 2012

  1. This is why i really enjoy reading this article.

    “In the coming weeks, we should be hearing more from EQ2 developers and their work on the upcoming Game Update 63 coming in February.”

  2. Uhh . . . I have never, since November 8th, 2004, used a prepaid game card in EQ2 (or EQ1, or any SOE game), nor have I ever bought game time with Station Cash . . . EVER . . . and I have ALWAYS, since 1999 (having been a player of EQ1 and I’m still using the same Station Account) had a credit card on file. Yet, I also cannot see the character transfer tokens on the marketplace. Why can’t I see the tokens? What the hell did “I” do?

    So now is it better to call them directly at their customer support number or with an in-game /petition? And I just find it funny that this is not even a “fix” but a “work around.” They are basically asking us to buy any OTHER item(s) in the Station Marketplace that equals the 2500 the tokens would cost, take them from us and replace them with a Character Transfer token. Really? They can’t just take the SC from me directly OR . . . and the BETTER option:
    FIX YOUR DAMN SYSTEM SO PEOPLE CAN SEE THE TOKENS SO THEY DON’T HAVE TO GO THROUGH CRAP LIKE THIS . . . Maybe . . . might be a better option, possibly . . . . . . .

    /shrug. Just sayin’ . . .

  3. Charn,

    Not to call you out, but is it really that hard to buy 2500SC of items, do a /petition, and followup if they have any questions?

    ALL server transfers used to be done this way. It’s only in the last ~2 years that character transfer tokens have made automated transfers possible.

  4. Trip posted:
    This is why i really enjoy reading this article.

    β€œIn the coming weeks, we should be hearing more from EQ2 developers and their work on the upcoming Game Update 63 coming in February.”

    Ok, so the first time we “hear about” GU63 could be when they push the Update Notes for it on the morning of February 29th. πŸ˜‰

  5. Another thing to note on the transfers. Even if your account has had a card on file if you have left at all or skipped a month. You need 31+ days of activity on your account if you are coming back. I brought an old account back online recently same card I am currently using after talking to CS that is what they told me. A day after it passed the monthly billing cycle and I was able to see tokens in the store.

  6. Data Feeds API?

    After some searching, I haven’t been able to find out much about this, other than vague remarks dating back 12+ months. Is this something that’s publicly available, or super-secret for only the fan site admins?

    I’m an API pro and would love to take a look at this data — or help anyone in the fan site realm digest theirs appropriately. Let me know if there is somewhere I can post to alert others that I’m willing to help with this.

  7. Feldon, it’s not ABOUT how difficult it is for me. It isn’t at all DIFFICULT, though I now have to go through extra steps, it’s not hard. My point is, I’m calling Sony out.

    As you said, they’ve been doing this for 2+ years. And yeah, they’ve come up with a “work around” for now, but for the love of GOD SoE, do your damn jobs and fix your shit already! With the current amount (and, it seems, continuous implementation of) things that are filled with bugs or just don’t work well, how are they NOT embarrassed?

    Look, I am one of the most loyal people around. Hell, I’ve been going to the same place to get my haircut for over 30 years. I find something I like and I stick with it. I’ve been playing SoE games since June of ’99: all of them (All Access member). And I’ve been going to Fan Faire since 2008. But even I’m becoming hard-pressed, lately, not to question my own loyalty.

    I’m holding out to see this new “Quarterly Update Model” Smokejumper has been touting, but I’m starting to lose hope it’ll be done without game-breaking bugs or implemented in a way that sounds great on paper, but isn’t viable as a game feature or mechanic.

  8. “That may sound expensive, but the items, specifically jewelry, weapons, and cloaks which are products of said Reactants are equal to raid drops which routinely sell (SLR) for similar prices.”

    That’s pretty funny since the craftable items are superior to almost all pieces, EM as well as HM raid gear πŸ™‚

    Also, 700 plats is cheaper than I’ve ever seen it. atm I think it is around 1500+ plats on Oasis.

  9. Tradolan,

    Dethdlr and I have been working on a new website for about 2 months now using the Data Feeds API. It’s still undergoing changes but what’s there is very good.

    I sent you an e-mail.

  10. Yes, Charn, they hosed up the Station Access stuff big time with the conversion. My account was also severely affected for quite a long time. Apparently Station Access/All Access was something they hadn’t factored in to their database conversion and it broke.

    I am also disappointed in the direction the game has taken lately, as I have been very vocal in pointing out, but I am still hanging in there because I am still having fun. This is still the most attractive game out there. WoW is like living in New York city … fun to visit, annoying to live there. The others just don’t have the depth (or are science fiction). So here I stay.

  11. Ahh more velious content including more dungeons…which begs the question is it or them going to be the new “drunder” type raid zone or zones gear wise…probably…will they assit in unlocking plane of war sometime before 2014 probably not….

    As for crashes the devs have completely overlooked the memory error crashes in guild halls and personal homes which showed its head in 2009 and was passed off on user pc issues kinda like their doing now…until they finally fixed it…until AoD which brought it back with a vengence.

  12. they also have a bata thing they used on my account once installed to your account you open and close th SC window two or three times and then you can see the tolken worked for both my wifes account and my account we transefered from Freeeport to BB with no problems , πŸ™‚

  13. Personally I’d like to see them add comperable weapons for all classes, add a common questline, must do 80 epic, must do ER, & the common questline to get it. Simle, Kill all end named Kael & lower for group instances as that quest. Award duel weild for those who can, & 2H or 1H & secondary for those who cant. Plus class cloak. Imo

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