From Omougi on the EQ2 Forums:
As Olihin stated on the AoD launch webcast, I will be taking over the development of PVP in EQ2. Now that the dust of AoD’s launch has (mostly) settled, we can start working on what’s next for EQ2 PVP.
The ultimate goal here is to give all PVPers a sick update with GU63. I’ve read through most of your feedback on these forums (including this thread, all 25 pages of it ) and we plan to act on it. We’re in the plan iteration phase now, and I hope to start implimentation of the plan later this week or early next week.
So, what’s the plan? Details change, certain ideas may be altered, improved upon, or scrapped entirely. We’re not ready to discuss details just yet.
Changes and improvements are coming. Your feedback is appreciated, and your patience will be rewarded.
as part of this process, Omougi created a thread asking about disruptive PvE gear:
What PVE attained procs & effects do you folks feel are having a noticable effect on PVP combat?
The goal of the effect pass that will occur is to catch any proc that is providing a huge boon in PVP, and either:
- make it attainable through some PVP means
- adjust its PVP effects, or
- disable it in PVP combat
That’s my order of preference in dealing with these effects. There are some that may need to be completely disabled, but I hope to keep that count to a minimum.
and for those concerned that this is the only major change coming to PvP:
This is a ridiculously small amount of change compared to what else we have in the works for PVP.
UPDATE: Another quote from Omougi:
A lot of suggestions were indeed about removing features that are currently negatively affecting PVP. We are going to attempt to legitimately fix the problems instead of cutting out features that are causing them.
In other words not really fix pvp, give BS fixes and ignore the core problems of open world pvp. Sorry Battlegrounds is not real pvp never was.
Rofl the dust settled from the AOD xpac, I hardly think so. They got so many things that AOD has broken. That statement the dust has mostly settled should scare all of us, that means were on to next things and will be ignoring whats broken yet again.
“a sick update”, sounds promising 😉
They are just taking what little effects we have from pve items and not giving us any replacements through pvp. So they are only making pvp worse.
since I think the whole idea of PvP in Everquest is sick then a “sick update” seems appropriate, a waste of time given the number of PvP players (really I am sure there are better PvP games out there, one springs to mind immediately), but if it has to be done…..
Wow, You get a response from a developer and still you just complain. Unreal.
. All mounts are disabled when hit by a player character. They take 6 seconds to cast and can be interrupted.
2. Defender is flagged engaged when damaged by another player.
3. Nagafen only remove all in zone fast transport methods. (Horses, griffins, sokokar etc)
4. Allow raid gear to be usable in PvP. PvP gear be slightly lesser than easymode raid pieces. PvP gear usable in PvE.
5. Upgrade PvP gear to be in line with DoV quality levels.
6. Remove Warfields.
7. Only faction specific brokers are in immune locations. “Black Market Brokers” reintroduced in heavily trafficked non immune locations. (Great Divide, Thurgadin, Kael etc)
8. Change writs to heroic, requires killing heroic or epic flagged player characters. No solo writs, body drops 1 token.
9. 15 seconds maximum for immunity after reviving.
10.The never ending increase to DPS from EOF to ROK to TSO and beyond really ruined things.
11. Get rid of instant pvp and make norrath a open pvp world.
12. Bring back looting players for one random gear item they have.