26 thoughts on “Kwill’s Quill: The Kindness of Strangers

  1. While I can empathize with your position, Kwill, it sets a dangerous standard that seems to be increasingly commonplace in MMO’s, especially ones like EQ2.

    I’d expect it to be a VERY rare thing for one of the many, many troubled souls to connect with someone who is qualified to give advice…or help to someone in dire need. If people who should be seeking someone who can REALLY help…who’s been taught HOW to help is, instead, approaching strangers in a game, then the results COULD be catastrophic.

    Think if this guy were suffering from clinical depression…and instead of being a kind heart that listened to his troubles. What if, instead, he approached some warped individual bent on toying with the guy? How could that turn out? That’s not to say I never lend an ear to an in game acquaintance, but I also encourage them to seek someone who can help…and that’s not really me. I HAVE been taught to identify the signs of clinical issues…but I’m no therapist.

    *I* play an MMO to play with other people who are intersting, varied, and want to have fun and play together. I do NOT play an MMO, to play amateur therapist to the troubled masses.

    Again, Kudos to you for caring, Kwill. I just think there’s a line where the MMO has to stay a game and advice should be left to professionals.

  2. Sometimes people need a shoulder. I usually try to listen. Just listening to them is enough to change them for the better. They may thank you later or become your friend. People often forget that the people they run into on the internet are real, not NPCs.

    As for the server downtimes, this is why i don’t limit myself to just 1 MMO. Sure nothing but EverQuest feels like EverQuest but there are plenty of free options for when it’s down. We know SOE has to do maintenance too keep the server online or it will get fragmented or overheat. I know it’s inconvenient.

  3. I’ve had a few experiences with folks in game with problems. Most times we can come to common ground, and it does help sometimes when someone takes the time to be a listener when someone else has something that needs to be heard.

    Use your own best judgment when these encounters happen. Friendships in game can be a good thing.

  4. That is a touching story Kwill and thank you for sharing it. It’s an important reminder that although we are logging on during what would presumably be our free time there are more important matters in life. EQ2 is a game but that person’s mom dying is very real and it’s good you were there with an ear. I agree that professional help is best and you should suggest that be the next action after the conversation. That said I wouldn’t ignore them so I could continue questing but would let them talk. Helping a stanger > playing a game. Just my 2cp.

  5. Venting is a common way we use to deal with problems we are having.
    It is always good to have a listening post per say for that event.
    Most time that is all that is needed to help, just a way to speak our feelings and someone on the listening end to just listen.

  6. to striinger: I do agree that the advice is better left to pros however consider also that sometimes in life you do not need a pro or a shrink or even a good person to talk to. Sometimes all you need is an ear on the other side to listen. and too often in this day and age nobody wants to get involved cause of the worry and panic of frivilous lawsuits and the like. but in doing so we have cut off a part of the human souls that at the very core make us human after all.

    I was raised on a farm as a child, when I was 9 years old both my parents were involved in a car accident and were both bedridden. I had to step up and take responsibility of myself, taking care of my parents, the farm, assuring the animals get fed, and the home to keep the chores up, that is a heavy burdon for a 9 year old to handle and if that had happened in today’s world I would have prolly been wisked away to child protective services or something. But back then that didn’t happen, back then every neighbor, friend, relitive, and townsperson that heard the news of what happened to my parents were at our doorstep offering their assistance. Some of them brought food, others helped with chores, and I am here to tell you that it was the most humbling and beautiful sight I have seen in my life when harvest time came around and I didn’t know what I was gonna do and I looked down the road at the dust coming off the dirt road only to discover it was a convoy of combines, bailors, tractors, and flatbeds who came in and ran our entire harvest and the only payment they asked for in return was for my parents to get better and to keep the coffee brewing.

  7. Thanks for sharing Kwill, it made me sad reading, but happy to know that there are real people being real people in the game. The other quote that springs to minds is that the only thing that evil needs to flourish is for good people to do nothing. You did something and the world is a better place for it. something that is said in game every day is gratz, I think today you really earned a Gratz!

  8. Striinger: Man, think of all the nasty things that COULD happen. Oh boy, I won’t be able to sleep tonight. Think of this, think of that. Maybe we should run a full inventory of all the terrible nasty things and situations that just *COULD* happen. I mean, it COULD happen right? Or maybe we could just live, from one day to the next, as life is meant to be.

  9. I don’t think you have to be a certified psychologist, or even a trained suicide hotline volunteer to talk to someone. You can ask if they have someone they can be with, or someone in their life they can talk to. You can ask them if they can do something other than be alone.

    I’m no stranger to suicide. Although I only knew this guy a short time, I felt I could have done a lot more to be a help. That’s really what suicide makes the rest of your life feel — helpless.

  10. To make my position clear — of course if someone says they are going to take their own life, you should urge them strongly to see someone and get help. In this instance, this player was not suicidal, he was just grieving. He was angry at the medical care his mother had gotten, and his life had just turned upside down. He wasn’t irrational or a danger to himself or others, as far as I could tell. As others have said, you don’t have to be a trained therapist or crisis worker to be a nice person and be kind to a stranger! No one should try to “fix” someone else, or counsel them without the proper training, but we are all human beings (or let’s hope so) and sometimes just listening to someone is the right thing to do. I think it’s ok to take some responsibility and help someone for a moment or two without worrying about the possible repercussions of your actions — and things could go wrong, but isn’t it worth the risk?

  11. I am on the bazaar server. 5 years ago i was having problems in real life and met a young lady in chat that was able to help me deal with real life. Now that young lady and I have made the choice to meet in real life we did that back in Jan. of this year. yes real people with real life problems do play mmo’s and now the 2 of us have taking it to another level and are living together. All because we had made a friendship in the game and its now much much better

  12. Great post Kwill. I to would never turn my back on a person who obviously needs a shoulder to cry on. Sadly it’s human nature for most people to not want to know why that stranger is crying out on the street (or in your case, somewhere deep in Fallen Gate). They would rather turn a blind eye. It’s not my problem. I don’t know them. Why should I care?

    I’ve been there for strangers in need. And that’s mainly down to one kind soul out of a sea of hundreds being there for me a few years back. But I think it’s just down to a personal choice.

    I’m touched that you were there to help someone ingame like that. Sure it was probably inappropriate for him to do it, and like someone mentioned he was putting himself up for a possible bad encounter if you had turned out to be an uncaring person who didn’t have the time or patience to listen. Thankfully for him you did. I’m sure his faith in others was boosted a little that day.

  13. Kwill you did the noble thing. You let another person use your time to help
    push through some pain. We get so caught up today in the fear of what ifs that we forget to sometimes just do what feels like the right thing to do.
    She was not offering advice, but only an ear and most likely if this person found a need to do this in game, my guess is he had a hard time sharing his grief in the real world and found this a place he could let go of some of his pain.

    Maybe our goal is just escape in game, but I can say from personal experience that the best memories I have had over the years were never about taking down a mob but about some of the people I have encountered. Kwill did the right thing, dont let fear of the what ifs ever stop you from your humanity.

  14. @striinger

    I find your outlook to be latent fascism. Telling a person they cant provide emotional support because they didnt get a piece of paper from the state just puts ppl into categories. Your assumption that they do more harm than good is bald prejudice. You may have political views that justify this attitude but it is fascism. State sponsored fascism if I’m getting your gist correctly. Maybe you are correct tho, because I find it difficult to support your equality. Maybe equality is a flawed notion after all, and everyone should be put into categories with different rights and responsibilities. I would suggest starting with diminishing yours. You really ought to extrapolate the implications of your worldview.

    This is the same stuff you hear from bigots who happen to be minorities. They want to use derogatory terms and believe they are an exception to the rule of not using these words because of their racial identity. This is putting ppl into boxes of what they can do or say based on their “classification”. Double standards dont work in a free classless society.

    You dont need a permission slip from the govt to reproduce, eat, sleep, or talk to a troubled soul. I get where you are coming from, and its well intentioned, but you bought into latent fascism on your way. Good intentions dont justify fascism. So “f” you slaver.

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