Today’s update changs the flag on the new Incandescent Swiftwing (Phoenix Gryphon) to HEIRLOOM, restores the ability to switch accounts without completely closing the EQ2 client (previously ProfitUI users had been using /camp) with a new command /camp login, as well as a couple of other fixes in Zek and Drunder.
From the EQ2 Update Notes:
You can now use “/camp login” to get back to the client login screen.
Temple of Rallos Zek [Challenge]
- The Idol of Rallos Zek’s falling debris should work normally now.
- The Heirloom tag has been removed from a few crafted Drunder weapons.
- The Incandescent Swiftwing is now flagged as heirloom.
Tower of Tactics
- The Art of War: It should no longer be possible for one of Vallon’s maps to spawn in a ledge in Lady V’uul’s room that is inaccessible.
YEAH, the flaming bird is finally heirloom 😀
Heirloom but attunable. ~sighs~ A distinction with very little difference.