8 thoughts on “Dave “SmokeJumper” Georgeson Promoted to Executive Producer over EQ & EQ2

  1. He’s picked up a MMO in freefall, stopping the rout and and increased its playerbase via EQ2X (even though I’m not a fan of EQ2X I have to give it credit for working).

    On top of that the game hasn’t been this good for years, he’s simply good at producing games (that means organising AND figuring out what works in a game) and is also a geniune fan of games himself and not some suit, I’m not sure what there is not to like.

  2. Murfalad is quite correct, EQ2 is not perfect by any means … BUT its in a much better state than its been in for years with Smokejumper at the Helm.

    Some people are just to dumb or just bitter to realise or acknowledge it 😛

  3. cant lay EQ2X at his feet, it was in place as a decision before he got there. In fact his performance pay was almost certainly tied to making it work, now that he has achieved the milestones and got the buck we are seeing much more emphasis on the game itself.

    In short a good manager with a gaming background. Best we could hope for.

  4. I think we would be in far better shape if they just moved him full time to eq1, and let them eat him for breakfast. Then Promote Domino to Producer.

    Just my 2 coppers worth.

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